Oh, I just assumed the servers moved because he was complaining. I don't actually know if it had moved because no computer access and such.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
NA game servers will move to a new, centralized location in Chicago, Illinois (Very near my state lol) on August 25.
In 2016, I'm no longer a member of toribash forum. The ex-administration (who's permbanned now) used to power abuse and opposed to me, and we are unable to reach a compromise. I am morally prohibited from staying here. I might still posting around on my friend or clan threads sometimes but not much. Goodbye.
Originally Posted by Lane View Post
Shank build a ghostblade after tiamat instead of dead man's plate and your build will be really solid. The dead man's plate is OK but ghostblade is like so core on AD rengar for the flat pen and active.

I see, you're dead right. I dunno, I just like to fiddle around with builds and orthodox lane placement. I really like the idea and feel of Dead Mans. With Moby boots you build up the momentum in no time, and the additional move-speed of it is amazing, its like having a ghost blade move-speed active all the time. You jump into a fight and the slow keeps you up to pace because furor is popping when you q. Allowing you to land a full spell kit on whoever you choose really. And in that case I rarely even get to auto attack making the attkspeed of the ghost blade active feel like a waste. Even when leaving a fight (that doesn't have a cluster fuck of hard cc) Dead mans builds up and as soon as mobys are back up you're gone. It's just a really fun way of playing him I suppose. I may just be blurting out shit, it does make sense in my head tho haha.

P.s thanks for the blue trinket tip, hadn't even thought about using it on reng that way. (noob 4 life)
Wanna see some ruffled feathers in Taekkyon

<Icky> Damn my mouth is on fire but my loins stir like the straits
Updated: PROJECT page, Weapons

Edit: Picture had been updated. :::]
Last edited by Chris; Aug 19, 2015 at 08:24 PM.
In 2016, I'm no longer a member of toribash forum. The ex-administration (who's permbanned now) used to power abuse and opposed to me, and we are unable to reach a compromise. I am morally prohibited from staying here. I might still posting around on my friend or clan threads sometimes but not much. Goodbye.
Sometimes, I hate league.

First, after the first week, I get a huge lose streak with my best characters. Especially when I play support, which makes no sense because I'm supposed to be supporting, not murdering their team while everyone else literally won't do anything but stand and die.
So I decided to take a break for a while. Maybe too much good really is bad and I should dial it down.
I come back and started winning again, but in a way that makes me feel guilty.
Every game, I encounter either a 1. bad Adc who doesn't follow up with me unless I use my rocket grab. This is especially annoying because it makes me have to run back and forth between my lane and my base because it's a mana draining move early on. Or 2. An over powered opponent in a different lane. They constantly start ganking every lane and it pisses me off that my team had to feed the guy/gal like that. It's hard to get a good game in if nobody seems to actually try. It's really starting to bug me how it happens every game and it really limits me.
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15
Originally Posted by Chris View Post
Updated: PROJECT page, Weapons

Edit: Picture had been updated. :::]

Oh it was lucian look at that
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Originally Posted by Chris View Post
NA game servers will move to a new, centralized location in Chicago, Illinois (Very near my state lol) on August 25.

same here man. cant wait to get ~20 ping

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

^Agreed. I'm getting 80 - ping on a good day even though I live all the way on the east side of the country.
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15
Originally Posted by qukslice View Post
Sometimes, I hate league.

First, after the first week, I get a huge lose streak with my best characters. Especially when I play support, which makes no sense because I'm supposed to be supporting, not murdering their team while everyone else literally won't do anything but stand and die.
So I decided to take a break for a while. Maybe too much good really is bad and I should dial it down.
I come back and started winning again, but in a way that makes me feel guilty.
Every game, I encounter either a 1. bad Adc who doesn't follow up with me unless I use my rocket grab. This is especially annoying because it makes me have to run back and forth between my lane and my base because it's a mana draining move early on. Or 2. An over powered opponent in a different lane. They constantly start ganking every lane and it pisses me off that my team had to feed the guy/gal like that. It's hard to get a good game in if nobody seems to actually try. It's really starting to bug me how it happens every game and it really limits me.

First: it's about time you realize blitzcrank is completely worthless/useless. Blitzcrank brings absolutely nothing to a lane, his entire kit relies on landing hooks which requires actual followup from your adc. When you pick blitzcrank, you more or less decide for your team that bot lane will be lost.

Second: To carry as support, you have to have lane pressure. If you can't pressure your lane opponents, you will not carry. The support I have the easiest time carrying with is nautilus, because he can exert a large amount of pressure on the opponents. If you manage to AA->E your opponent adc once in lane, they have lost the trade regardless of followup from your adc. That said, nautilus isn't the only option, he's just a very strong one.

I'm making that point to show you why blitzcrank is bad. With blitzcrank, your goal is to sit back and land a hook for your adc to do damage. Your win condition for the trade is a lot harder to accomplish, because you require 2 conditions. 1: Land your hook, and 2: Get adequate followup from adc. If both of those things don't happen, you will likely lose the trade at worst and go even at best. At your elo, if you can bully your opponents, they will shit their pants and feed. Guaranteed. You can't do that with blitzcrank.
Last edited by Hyde; Aug 19, 2015 at 09:57 PM.