My name is Justin (woo) I have red hair and eyes the same color as a fish I used to have but he died when I moved..... I live in Alabama, I am thirteen and play the snare drum in my school's band. I don't know my GMT but I'll edit it in it's Central timezone, to be honest as far as past clans go, I was the biggest clanhopper you ever saw, and when I got into it I was the co-leader of the three serious clans I had, and all of them died.

But other than my bad luck in clans (seriously don't make me co-leader Obey will die within days I'm sure of it) I can do minor forum editing such as links, spoilers, possibly pictures, and colored texts. I like to have fun, I'm fairly decent at the game, as far as my standards go, I also play Realm of the Mad God, if you guys DO other games. I am not a replay person, but I'm rather artistic on paper. (Lies)

If we Skype I'll include some replays if you really want me to, but otherwise there is no point in watching them as they are likely not very good.I am a huge fan of akido, I've been trying to get into mushu lately, but I just can't get the hang of it. Working on it though ^-^I am not an "I can't do" person, if I say that it means I'm working on it.

(PERSONAL THINGS)----------------------------------------------------------
I haven't seen my mother in years, my connection with her has been pretty rough, and my dad has peripheral neuropathy, or severe nerve damage, which means I will go afk periodically. (He cannot walk)
(END PERSONAL THINGS)------------------------------------------------------

I hope you accept my application, have a nice day ^-^

My GMT will be here --->(__)

It's over here because y01o -----> -6
Last edited by Skittleman; Aug 21, 2014 at 05:34 AM.
Taste the Rainbow.
Hey Guys, Qudaq here, before you take this application and throw it right into the trash, please hear me out.

-=-=-=-Basic Infomation-=-=-=-
GMT: 9 : 30
Name: Aiden
Age: 15
Mods: AikidoBigDojo,Aikido & Greykido
-On Acryul: Extreme,Obey,Ascend,etc.
-On Qudaq: Envy

My name is Aiden, i am a 15 year-old software developer from Australia, recently ive been writing a few teaching aid's and just overall lessons for some Coding languages such as HTML and Java. My goal has always been to transmit my knowledge of coding to the rest of the willing to learn Toribash players. Ive always wanted to help people, and after i taught a friend HTML and Java, i found out that teaching people is what i wanted to do. Toribash was a realisation for me back in 2012, which had got me into coding again, this realisation happened when i found out that Toribash had pretty much only 1 active developer. This shocked me that one man could output something like Toribash and continually update and patch it where it seemed fit.

Ive been coding for around 5 years now, first from languages such as HTML, then onto harder ones such as C++, recently ive finally got the motovation to provide people who want coding lessons teaching aids to prepare them when they are learning languages, or just whenever they want to learn how to code. Within the group of people i teach simple languages to, i want to take some people under my wing, and make a small group which develops small games and programs.

As i said above my ign is Qudaq, i have been playing Toribash for some years now, i recently got back into Toribash, found it somehow fun again. My first account was Acryul, when i used during the years 2012-2013, i know account hopping is a bad thing to do and that i should hardly be accepted into Obey for being a orange belt, but my skill level is far above any orangebelt.

Toribash isnt the #1 game which i play but i play it quite frequently, I hope if i get into Obey that ill be more motovated to play Toribash whenever im not commiting myself to coding, Obey seems like a nice home for me since when i was in Obey back in June, 2013 i felt that Obey were a great clan which i thought i would feel apart of, sadly at that time i was slowly drifting away from Toribash and back into other games.
This wont happen again, if i get back into Obey it will give me enough motovation to start plaing seriously again, i hope that i can help whoever wants to learn coding or wants to assist me with my current projects will speak to me (if anyone wants to know about the projects just ask)

Replays will be added when needed
Video from last year for lack of Replays

Thankyou for reading though my application, i hope that i have the chance to join Obey again
hello friend i remember you
we dont actually play toribash 24/7, we play a whole lot of csgo if you're into that

account hopping is no problem at all either. trust me, if it was i wouldnt be in obey right now

up for discussion
nice app by the way
Lot of talking going on about your applications on the private board.
So far though, everybody who applied before page 205 has been denied, excluding iTempy who's still under discussion.

PM me with any and all questions
'Ight that's fine, would you mind if I still hung out here and post. Like a said you guys are kewl cats.

Need help? PM me!
إد هو العاهرة
Alright I'm here to apply. So lets begin.

To Obey,

I would like to join your clan. My account name is Phantomists, some of you may know me by FireTiger96. I am currently 13 years old and have led some other clans. All I'm saying there is that I have experience in clans and I have the forum activity you're looking for. Before I forget you should know that now that school has started for me I cannot play on the weekdays. I do have a Skype but I don't talk on it for privacy reasons. My GMT is -5 or -4 depending on the time of year. I suppose my competitive game modes include everything with aikido in it, as well as mushu and if I have a good day rk-mma.

Now that I'm done the introduction and what not. I guess now would be the about me time. Hello, my name is (noope). I am currently in middle school. I typically get A's and B's so I don't consider myself stupid. I play lacrosse, its a favorite sport of mine. I like to Animate play game. I'm in a sniping clan called Aero on Xbox and I am a amateur texture creator.
p.s My other account knows Tyzi kind of, Hattersin, and Chazer, I have met a few others but that about my range of people who are still in the clan.

p.s.s I'm doing this on my iPad so I will get the replays to you asap.

Thank you for your time and I hope I'm accepted

~ Phantomists/Firetiger96/Whatever else you want to call me.
Attached Files
-Spar With Lexxar.rpl (529.2 KB, 4 views)
-Spar With Tres-2.rpl (406.8 KB, 3 views)
-Tryhard.rpl (43.7 KB, 3 views)
-JudoFlip.rpl (38.5 KB, 3 views)
-Much Aim.rpl (41.4 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by Phantomists; Aug 23, 2014 at 02:44 AM.
"Phantomists can't be controlled; highly coded, no flaw, no weakness, as if it were programed to kill a machine."~Zockinator Skills to Pay Bills.
wanna join obey
Hi guys my name is uwak...I'm 12 years old and my GMT is 8+...I'm a little great at mushu.I'm just a guy who wants to join obey because it looks fun here.I'm inactive when I'm green to blue belt but now here I am a 2nd dan black belt
Attached Files
Shoulder Decap.rpl (60.0 KB, 3 views)
Originally Posted by JoboMan View Post
IMPORTANT: The application MUST be in a free-form paragraph/s, any other format will be instantly shot down and denied.

I understand I'm not a recruiter but uh, I'm going to guess that you should try make a free form application?