Hi guys... just wanted to say i'm not going to be very active because my computers acing like a retarded homophobe and the charging port doesn't register that i'm smashing the charger in... so my battery is about to die (got about 57 min left as of now) and i wont be back till best buy and Asus (worst computers evar) gets their shit right. bye for now.
I'm having problems with PCs and my Samsung TV. My TV LCD display just got fucked up. Now everybody has 4 fucking eyes and 20 fucking fingers.
"N00b clap works too properly for being called a n00b move."
PC is ok now. I'm ready. I just need the prizes and your confirmation:

Rules: check the thread
Judges: torikill10 and pusga
"N00b clap works too properly for being called a n00b move."
Originally Posted by torikill10 View Post
I study, but I also listen to dubstep and stuff(although I have no idea how to classify my musics, since I don't know a lot about gender and shit.).

I'd like to suggest a new topic. Do you like cars? Or motorcycles?

I prefer cars. Like this.

Or this which just has to be illegal in the U.S. unless you modify it with certain shit.
Well then.....

Look at this, most horrible car ever?
"I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am"[Death Plague] "Light the fuses, BITCHES!"