Originally Posted by shook View Post
So yeah, just got hold of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed for PC. Despite the negative things i've heard of it, it's quite good so far. Some enemies are WAY annoying (FDSGFJHGSDF YOUR SILLY SWORDCLAW SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO BLOCK A FUCKING LIGHTSABER), but the game does an excellent job of making you feel like an all-powerful bastard. Also, a charged Force Push looks like a huge hadouken. Can't argue with that. Also, you can punt the fuck out of jawas. SITH PUNT, BITCHES.

'Dat be some pro video game reviewing there, shook.
So i just got back from a trip to chicago. I got to see my favorite band live. soaked in sweat half of it being other peoples. also most fun mosh pit ever.