Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Isa View Post

is not worth the money spent on it.

P.S: GODDAMN this is 2012 post
Last edited by Korvin; Jun 13, 2011 at 11:48 AM.
if you want to go for more of an anti carry role, then tri-force olaf is your way to go


whatever, just make sure you have armor yellows and something thing that increases your auto attack output on red/quints, i personally use a mix of AD and armor pen since it's my general jungler page


21/0/9 or 1/8/21 depending on whether you want a strong early-mid (first one), or a strong mid-late (second one)

skill order:

one level of w at either lvl 1 or 2

r > q > e > w

spam your q in jungle, make sure to pick the axe and keep throwing it, same thing applies while ganking

jungle path:

either get cloth armor + 5 pots and start at blue and do the normal path

or if you're worried about getting counter jungled or you want to sustain longer in jungle, start with vampirc scepter go wolves -> wraiths (smite the big one) -> small golems, go back to base and get a cloth armor and jungle again starting at blue

item build:

wriggles lantern
beserker greaves

at this point you need to decide whether you need to be more tanky or more anti-carry

if anti carry:

phantom dancer
sunfire/force of nature
atma's impaler

if tank:

sunfire/FoN/randiun's omen/BV
atma's impaler

this build makes you spike very hard during the mid game, while trading a bit of late game power and a small amount of tankiness. it's very easy for olaf to proc tri force/sheen every 2 seconds with his q and e. you should be able to shred any squishies apart in less than 3 secs, while being naturally tanky between your ultimate and high armor values.

another focus of this build is movement speed, olaf has no closing mechanic or escape mechanism - which is why a lot of people love ghostblade/ghost on him. however, if the enemy can escape olaf in the 8 second burst of move speed from ghost + ghostblade + ult (flash over a wall, phantom dancer ranged carry, etc.), then olaf is royally screwed because he'll be kited. a phantom dancer + triforce solves that problem by making him fast forever

yes, this not the conventional build, but i've tried out that build, and a bunch of others and i can tell you this is the one i've had most success with (i play @ 1.7k elo fyi, so this should work for up to 1.7k)

just don't rush frozen mallet as your first big item after wriggles, it gives you next to no damage output. if you're going the conventional build, get something that will increase your damage first, then get a frozen mallet. a frozen mallet basically lets you stick to someone forever if you catch up - but once you're there you'll take ages before you can kill them. besides, your axe throw is basically a permanent slow if you can keep picking it up and throwing it while chasing - which is kind of a frozen mallet in itself, so you don't need to really rush frozen mallet
Last edited by Deprived_OLD; Jun 14, 2011 at 12:08 AM.
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'
Wow I never looked from when I made this post until now and I have to say thanks for signing up under my ref link guys, I have 63 complete invitations and have gotten the recruiter title, a 4 win IP boost and a 3 day IP boost along with a free 975 RP.

I haven't been playing with some of the posters in this thread so if you're on US then don't hesitate to ask me to play.
Here's what I do during 3v5s

Well finally after 20 something stomps, I have a legitimately fun game that was undecided until the very end

And if you need any further convincing, I play AP TF.
(the enemy team has an AP TF too but he wasn't as good as me(Maybe he was but my ego says he wasnt(And I straight up beat him 1v1)))
Last edited by 2worlds; Jun 14, 2011 at 07:10 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by Kryo View Post
Junglers are mainly dps with the exception of nunu and fiddle.

Just use caster and dps rune setups.

Ok, thanks. Does Shaco use general dps runes?
Originally Posted by Deprived View Post
if you want to go for more of an anti carry role, then tri-force olaf is your way to go


whatever, just make sure you have armor yellows and something thing that increases your auto attack output on red/quints, i personally use a mix of AD and armor pen since it's my general jungler page


21/0/9 or 1/8/21 depending on whether you want a strong early-mid (first one), or a strong mid-late (second one)

skill order:

one level of w at either lvl 1 or 2

r > q > e > w

spam your q in jungle, make sure to pick the axe and keep throwing it, same thing applies while ganking

jungle path:

either get cloth armor + 5 pots and start at blue and do the normal path

or if you're worried about getting counter jungled or you want to sustain longer in jungle, start with vampirc scepter go wolves -> wraiths (smite the big one) -> small golems, go back to base and get a cloth armor and jungle again starting at blue

item build:

wriggles lantern
beserker greaves

at this point you need to decide whether you need to be more tanky or more anti-carry

if anti carry:

phantom dancer
sunfire/force of nature
atma's impaler

if tank:

sunfire/FoN/randiun's omen/BV
atma's impaler

this build makes you spike very hard during the mid game, while trading a bit of late game power and a small amount of tankiness. it's very easy for olaf to proc tri force/sheen every 2 seconds with his q and e. you should be able to shred any squishies apart in less than 3 secs, while being naturally tanky between your ultimate and high armor values.

another focus of this build is movement speed, olaf has no closing mechanic or escape mechanism - which is why a lot of people love ghostblade/ghost on him. however, if the enemy can escape olaf in the 8 second burst of move speed from ghost + ghostblade + ult (flash over a wall, phantom dancer ranged carry, etc.), then olaf is royally screwed because he'll be kited. a phantom dancer + triforce solves that problem by making him fast forever

yes, this not the conventional build, but i've tried out that build, and a bunch of others and i can tell you this is the one i've had most success with (i play @ 1.7k elo fyi, so this should work for up to 1.7k)

just don't rush frozen mallet as your first big item after wriggles, it gives you next to no damage output. if you're going the conventional build, get something that will increase your damage first, then get a frozen mallet. a frozen mallet basically lets you stick to someone forever if you catch up - but once you're there you'll take ages before you can kill them. besides, your axe throw is basically a permanent slow if you can keep picking it up and throwing it while chasing - which is kind of a frozen mallet in itself, so you don't need to really rush frozen mallet

a right build on akali or fortune is a nice anti-carry as well...
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
Learn to play kass, learn to win

Last edited by 2worlds; Jun 15, 2011 at 03:41 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Kassadin continues to be the best snowballing AP carry in the game. Huehue mejais with infinity blinks.

I haven't played LoL in a good long while, but I'm certainly not going to start again until I'm back from my puerto rico vacation with my gf.
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Hyperboloids of wondrous Light
Rolling for aye through Space and Time
Harbour those Waves which somehow Might
Play out God's holy pantomime

Also, Gubbin is neat.