Endurance Onslaught 6.0
"I decided it's necessary to step up my finger game"
What the fuck dubs
u seriously couldn't of thought up a better way 2 word that
fucking incredible dude fucking swell

oh yeah anyways that sounds extremely shitty
stomach problems in general are shitty

also 20 days till i head off to north carolina to start college!!!!!!
i'm currently going for double majoring (hopefully) in psychology and art
the thought of being a therapist for children pleases me
i'm so excited/nervous oh fuck

since this is general discussion we should bring up some discussion to you know, discuss
Last edited by fluffykat; Jul 31, 2014 at 10:50 PM.
So like I'm at a friend's place for a couple of days so only have my phone for now, I'LL TRY TO CONTRIBUTE TO ALL THIS WHEN I GO BACK TO MAH HAUS.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
Woke up realising that I hadn't eaten anywhere near enough the previous day, and that had some strange stomachness attached.

As for sexuality, I adore women, but I think I've had a lot of fear put into me about guys. My school liked to constantly spread hate about the thought of liking guys to the point where I wouldn't even know if I'm bisexual or not because I was afraid of thinking it. Occasionally I will put a hypothetical scenario in my head of being close with a guy but it feels so strange and uncomfortable. It could just be that I'm straight as an arrow, but I don't believe that.

I've always been pretty feminine. I did not show any interest in sports or manly activities, and made better friends with girls. I grew my hair long and wore skinny jeans, wanting to do art and things that guys eventually picked on me for. I liked singing and music. All but some of my friend's parents think I'm gay and I'm pretty sure my parents think I'm gay also. Fashion has always mattered to me. I like lots of colours and would wear colourful clothes often.

Anyway, I've unloaded my thoughts on my sexuality and gender. I reckon a lot of it comes from your upbringing.
well puff we've already gone over the fact that ur really cool and that people should have fucked off from bugging you. if i happened to go to school with you, you'd probably be the type of person i'd be drawn to be friends with

but anyways sexuality and gender and this whole topic is really really abstract. there's no definite answer to anything besides the fact that do whatever the fuck makes you comfortable and fuck people. fun fact i'm a feminist and intend to be an even stronger feminist once i finish college. i really dislike how sexuality, gender, race and all that stuff hinder a person from living life to their fullest
its fucking disgusting and i can go on about feminism for a while. being a lesbian myself i've fucking come to terms with the fact that most straight guys look at me and others like we're just sex objects who only have the purpose for masturbating to. that doesn't even stop at lesbians though that continues towards every woman. so many men just look at us as things that please them, that should obey them, and should do what they say. society sucks and being born a woman automatically places you in the 'here have an automatically suckier life just for being a girl' box. we're looked at as weak things that need to be saved or be dominated over. there's so much shit to this

in my opinion though, the topic of sexuality and gender may derive from your upbringing but anyone can learn to outgrow their toxic beliefs if they have are will to learn.
I'M IN THE HOOOUUUSSSE! *explosion* GENDER! *kablaaaaaam boooom* SEXUALITY! *comets flying everywhere, volcanoes exploding*

Sooo yeah hi.

*insects fighting*
SEXUALITY. Like.. people in general are way too interested in others' sexuality, in a bad way. Not just curiosity but judging people because of it. Not quite the right crowd for a rant or anything though since you're all really chill with everything but yeah.
Soo I'm pansexual, pretty much anything goes. Girls, guys, cis, trans, femme, butch whatever. Pretty wide preferences in looks, chubby, skinny, whatever, doesn't matter too much. I also don't put too much significance in sex, if I like a person I don't mind playing *total slut*

*chainsaw noises*
GENDER. Gender, wooo! Gotta love gender, so many variations. Best thing about gender? Only you can know what you are, if someone says you're wrong, punch them in the ear.
Just like.. Respect people's gender identity. And someone's interests or looks doesn't have to have anything at all to do with how they identify.

Feels like I could've done this way better but I'm not all that good at free-form typing shit.
*The hill on which Claire is standing explodes in a huge fireball*
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
i wish more people actually thought like that though, what a different world this would be lmao
maybe with our new generation coming in, more people will be more open to this subject, atleast more than before
Sexuality is one of those topics that's shat upon in my country, every answer instead of the one expected is seen as wrong, sinful, abomination. In these ages I'd think things would change, as seen in the young minority, the ones with access to plentiful of information and the will to acknowledge it. I'm straight but, personally, I don't care what people do with themselves, no one deserves shit lodged down their throat by society, everyone is free to have a view and and a thing to fight for..

Gender-wise I don't even know what to say, mirrors are a source of dissociation, reflecting a pile of flesh I've neither recognized nor sympathized with. I've never felt gendered, comfortable in my skin, always likening the body to a prison for the soul. What few steps I've taken to rectify the incongruence have been insufficient. I'll never see "myself" but at least I'll see the thing I've wrought. Saying at least that I made due. That's the artistic persona speaking..I feel too human
This is a game I worked on with a friend.

EDIT: Don't worry I couldn't upload the file.
Last edited by Puffbunny; Aug 15, 2014 at 06:59 PM.