Why haven't we made an org for toribash players that play LoL yet?

Anyway, I seem to be getting some FPS drops this patch. It's really annoying. Anyone else having this problem?
Originally Posted by Turtle View Post
So, what is LoL? I am thinking about getting it

does this seem like your kind of game

Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Originally Posted by TyZi View Post

does this seem like your kind of game

I love that you did nothing but call him a weiner.

Magickarpusedfly noticed me.
Last edited by RAWWRH; Jul 26, 2015 at 12:59 AM.
To me I think a part of the reason as to why you went on a small losing streak is that in a couple of those games you didn't upgrade your yellow even at 40m.

I like to upgrade it as soon as I can because wards are op. (a lot better than sweeper in my opinion)

gj on the 20m surrender though
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Fyi, last whisper is absolutely core on yasuo. Once you get LW you can break the game wide open.

Why? Yasuo already has the damage to shred the squishies, you don't need 6 bloodthirsters to do the job. Last whisper helps yasuo's midgame tremendously. Also, you gotta work on not dying less, yasuo baits people to press r every time someone is knocked up and it isn't always the best idea. Also, try not to use his e so aggressively. If you e in and can't e out, you're stuck. Yasuo needs knowledge of where the jungler is in order to be aggressive.
I wouldn't call it an absolutely core item. He does shit tons of damage to squishy without it and has an ult for any high armor enemy champs. I only pick up LW if there are 3 or more tanks on the team (considering the tanks are smart enough to build armor). If their are only one or two, then you should consider spending the money somewhere else.