Originally Posted by assassin8r View Post
happy birthday bro.
what did you get, etc?

well for starters, I woke with candy. Then I was like booked in a hotel tomorrow with my family. So yeah. WOOT WOOT.
Originally Posted by Aspire

Originally Posted by Aspire View Post
why in the world would you troll me today?

I ain't trollin', you're just absolutely nothing like Aslask.
back from the dead
Oyster has some very vaild points.

If hitler was able to conquer alot of europe, europe would have become a unified, super-race. With out people with critical illnesses, and people who believed differently, there would be no conflict within this "race" as there is no difference between us.
Wow, i see Destiny and Assassin8r seem to be up eachothers arses (well, assassin8r is up destinys, atleast)

Destinys art is C/P

C/P sucks, unless you do VAST amounts of editing.

Therefore, even though the look is great, the art is shit.

bilza, no, just no.

look, I don't like people condescending on others.
destiny's art may not be great, and he knows that.
it's a bit hypocritical saying destiny is asking for trouble, when infact the post kordiss just made is asking for trouble.
and bust3r is always saying shit about his artwork.
gah, and other various reason which i cannot be bothered to go into.
Wait, what
If I get asked for an opinion, or someone shows me art, I will say what I think about it.

If it's good, I say it's good.

If it sucks, I say it sucks.

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.