Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Let's really not. Quite frankly, this is just immature. If you can't handle people calling you out on being bad, either get good, get thick skin, or shut up.

Nobody is going to sympathize with your sobstory of being in bronze because of bad teammates or what have you because, quite frankly, nobody gives a fuck, and nobody believes your excuse for a second. You are likely playing just as poorly as your teammates, and there's probably no shortage of them who have went on to rage about your own shitty performance.

And that's all I ever hear from bronze players. Never how they failed to do x or y, or they almost killed somebody but missed a skillshot. It's always top fed, mid fed, jungle didn't gank, noob bot duo, troll pick, afk. It's never their fault, it's always bad luck with teams, lag, things outside of their control that let them delude themselves into thinking they deserve better but are being denied by something out of reach. Newsflash, the only thing holding you back is yourself. You refuse to see your flaws, you blame others for your troubles, and you convince yourself you are god's gift to bronze players and that you'll carry them if they just stopped feeding. You are not perfect, nobody is perfect, everyone makes mistakes, and the only ones who get ahead are the ones who swallow their pride and double down on improving instead of wallowing in their self pity.

We are not your support group, we are not your cheerleader squad, we are not obligated to treat you with any respect, particularly when you show so little yourself. So you can either suck it up and reform yourself, or you can piss off and continue being the self-entitled prick that cries at the world turning against him.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Can someone tell me how Riven is balanced? How a shield with 100% bonus AD scaling that is also a dash balanced?

Like Riot, at the very least lower the shield's up-time. It lasts for 1.5 seconds which is 2 autos for most ADCs, is around a 400 HP shield, and has a cooldown of 6 seconds (4 with most builds).

Wtf is the balance in this? She can even shred tanks if she needed to since her low CDs basically give her DPS.

Nerf pls.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
Can someone tell me how Riven is balanced? How a shield with 100% bonus AD scaling that is also a dash balanced?

Like Riot, at the very least lower the shield's up-time. It lasts for 1.5 seconds which is 2 autos for most ADCs, is around a 400 HP shield, and has a cooldown of 6 seconds (4 with most builds).

Wtf is the balance in this? She can even shred tanks if she needed to since her low CDs basically give her DPS.

Nerf pls.


read that
Sure, here's one:

1. Stay out of riven's flash range if she has flash
2. Use your ranged attacks to autoattack her safely, stay behind someone with cc unless you want your anus to implode

As long as you aren't fighting riven at melee range and someone's there to keep her locked down, you will win.
So basically, I can't do shit against Riven in Bronze? K.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
So basically, I can't do shit against Riven in Bronze? K.

You can, first thing you probably are doing wrong if you are getting caugt as an adc is that you are chasing kills. As adc you never want to do that. You will start climbing hard once you learn to attack the nearest enemy. Its a retardedly fool proof strat. When you are in a teamfight just stay behind your team and attack the closest enemy, even if its the support. That way you can constaintly do damage safely. Since in bronze people wont cc for you, that is your best climbing strat.

they dont balance champions for bronze level play.
Last edited by cowmeat; Jul 16, 2015 at 03:07 AM.
Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post
You can, first thing you probably are doing wrong if you are getting caugt as an adc is that you are chasing kills. As adc you never want to do that. You will start climbing hard once you learn to attack the nearest enemy. Its a retardedly fool proof strat. When you are in a teamfight just stay behind your team and attack the closest enemy, even if its the support. That way you can constaintly do damage safely. Since in bronze people wont cc for you, that is your best climbing strat.

they dont balance champions for bronze level play.

1. I've only really chased kills on melee carries like Trynd and Master Yi.

2. I've focused the nearest target since Bronze IV even if it's a tank (which has caused many mad team mates) or a Riven (about 75% of all Rivens)

3. Since Bronze don't peel and tunnel on the carries instead, enemy front line has free reign

4. It's not exactly safe damage against a Riven

5. Riven will butt fuck me

6. Best strat seems to be split push with 4 wards and stay away from Riven since there's nothing I can do. If she Teleports, I'm actually fucked because she can catch up to me easily. At that point I have to recall in an odd place and hope she doesn't murder me.

7. I. Fucking. Hate. Riven. My team, your team, fuck Riven.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
If someone flames you for doing the job of the adc just mute them.
Riven isnt hard to beat/defend against as adc. You just need to get more comfortable with the role and play safer.

Recommend looking at that.
Last edited by cowmeat; Jul 16, 2015 at 09:43 AM.