Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by alkard View Post
You realize I am Toon Right Emergency Jelly Manor? Also will do.
Whats ur IGN for NA server?(if you have 1)

I do, you messaged me about that remember?
I have one in NA but remembering it will require patching around 2 years worth of updates and remembering a password, so I'll stick to not knowing for the time being. Just tell him I say hi. I'll figure something out later.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Mexican gold is worse than NA bronze 3, can confirm


That was a 4v5 because teemo got cyberbullied by varus into leaving
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
Dont limit yourself to those two, tryn is stupid easy and kinda boring too. At least, unless you are playing with 500 ping and still 1v1ing their entire team.

Yeah, but he gets countered pretty easily. And those 2 are so easy, they actually take less skill than Tryndamere. I shit you not.
I mained all three of these, and I have to say, they can all carry a team single handedly, but it's easier with Annie or Warwick.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Funny I tend to shit on gnars with my tryn but I guess thats just me.

Edit this ima test now.
Last edited by alkard; Jul 14, 2015 at 12:50 AM.
Originally Posted by BuZe View Post
Welp I screwed up with my placement matches and got placed B3. Then I went on tilt for a few games and got demoted to b4, I'm pretty much wood division right now, but uh I need someone to teach me how to actually play this game, because I want to climb and get out of bronze hell.
Add me if you can help me out.
NA Region

As a non-bronze who can see what bronze players do wrong, I suggest just playing whatever champion you like and ignoring those damn fools

The things you have to learn to get better are as follows:

Basic mechanics:
Take your champion into a custom and practice the following:
-Last hitting. Try to last hit every single creep in the minion wave. It will not always be possible to get every single creep, but you want to get every single free creep you can. Think of it this way, every 30 seconds a free wave of gold comes flowing down to you, and it's basically all yours. If you miss a last hit, you're denying yourself gold. It's really important to make sure you are a capable farmer, because the sooner you can get your gold the sooner you can get your items and the sooner you can fuck bitches.
-Basic champion mechanics. Learn how your champion works. I'm not talking about just your champion's coolest looking combo, I'm talking about how the champion should be played at different points in the game. A good example of this is Vlad. Vlad is a champion that should be played differently at different parts of the game. In the early game, it's most likely best to be cautious, because vlad has high cooldowns early and lacks trading power. Vlad starts becoming a boss at level 9, when he can just afford to trade aggressively with Q because it's cooldown becomes spammable. If you know how your champion works, you've already got a leg up on your bronzong lane opponent who doesn't even know riven has a passive.
-Ability ranges and turret ranges: I haven't seen much of this in a really long time, but I occasionally watch someone autoattack someone under their turret for no reason and take a free turret shot. Attacking and bouncing out of turret range is a thing many champions can do, but you have to time it right and you have to be right at the edge so you get out without getting outtraded by your own stupidity. Also, see that enemy caitlyn that's approaching your turret while you're backing with 50 hp? Yeah she's going to murder you with her long ass range Q

-What time to expect the jungler to come for the first gank
-Your champion's damage output at every level(i.e. can you win a trade at level 2 or should you wait to level)
-Know your enemy. If you're up against riven top, maybe starting doran's blade isn't the best idea. Read guides on your champion from lolking/solomid and take the time to make sure you fully comprehend them.
-Pick up good habits. When the game starts, watch the jungle entrance nearest your lane. Don't sit under turret with 50 hp, it is not worth it. A creep wave is worth approx 180 gold and a lot of exp, so you can't really afford to miss them and give your opponent 300 gold by dying.
-Know your champion, if you really need items and levels just make sure you can farm safely, everything else you can do is a bonus.
-Learn wave control. Super important. If you kill your lane opponent and he can't just tp back to lane, push the wave into the turret. This will kill the wave and bounce it back to the middle of the lane, where you freeze it, denying your lane opponent gold and exp.

I'll post jungling tips too, but you'd do well to read some guides on the various resources available.
Ok, Ima stop you there hyde. I played a game with you before. and saw several mistakes from you.

You want to claim that Most people are in bronze because they belong there. When in reality Some of us are bronze because we cannot carry every possibility alone 1v5.

grant it most are capable to do 1v3 or 1v5 except vs hardcore cc/teamwork.
Yeah, you're not in bronze because you belong there, you're there because you're unlucky, that's what it is
Going to have to agree with Hyde. People are in bronze because they belong in bronze. If you are not able to get out of bronze, its not because you cant carry, its because you dont belong out of bronze yet.
Originally Posted by alkard View Post
Ok, Ima stop you there hyde. I played a game with you before. and saw several mistakes from you.

You want to claim that Most people are in bronze because they belong there. When in reality Some of us are bronze because we cannot carry every possibility alone 1v5.

grant it most are capable to do 1v3 or 1v5 except vs hardcore cc/teamwork.

do you genuinely think that you get matched with people that lose their lanes and feed over 50% of the time and not realise that you're just bad

le epik bad lukkc xdddddd

jesus christ
Meanwhile i tend not to feed at all whatever.

Almost always positive score aswell. with most damage to champs with most objectives. I am 100% sure that if I actually tried to get out I could but years of playing 1 game has only so much entertainment.