Friendly invation concerning John97.
Just about 3 hours after his application got accepted in this clan, he applied for clan Pandora, saying something about "upgrading clans" or such.
No idea what the fuck he meant, but I assumed he's just some disloyal dumbass.
Anyhow, just letting you know.

Have a nice day, Bleu.
Last edited by crazylars; Aug 1, 2011 at 12:52 PM.
Where do you live?(optional):
What belt are you?:white Belt
Where do you want to improve?:Aikido,and decapitations
Favorite mods:uhm none
Why do you want to join?:I wanna be a better player
Originally Posted by BlaZerfLamE01 View Post
Where do you live?(optional):
What belt are you?:white Belt
Where do you want to improve?:Aikido,and decapitations
Favorite mods:uhm none
Why do you want to join?:I wanna be a better player

Originally Posted by TFmB123 View Post
Where do you live?(optional): Canada
What belt are you?: Bleu :>
Where do you want to improve?: In this school. :>
Favorite mods: Aikido, sambo, classic.
Why do you want to join?: For the tag, jk, just feel like coming back and seeing what has changed and maybe make a few servers with you guys to see what your made of now.

Both accepted , welcome back TFmB123
Originally Posted by crazylars View Post
Friendly invation concerning John97.
Just about 3 hours after his application got accepted in this clan, he applied for clan Pandora, saying something about "upgrading clans" or such.
No idea what the fuck he meant, but I assumed he's just some disloyal dumbass.
Anyhow, just letting you know.

Have a nice day, Bleu.

Thanks for letting us know. We will handle the situation.
Where do you live?(optional):Estonia
What belt are you?:Blue Belt
Where do you want to improve?: Twinswords, Wushu and Aikido.
Favorite mods: Judo
Why do you want to join?:I want to join because [Bleu] is a fun clan with fun members & I want to be a part of it!
Originally Posted by Teferi View Post
Where do you live?(optional):Estonia
What belt are you?:Blue Belt
Where do you want to improve?: Twinswords, Wushu and Aikido.
Favorite mods: Judo
Why do you want to join?:I want to join because [Bleu] is a fun clan with fun members & I want to be a part of it!

Accepted, make a visit in the IRC thread.
Where do you live?(optional):Florida, USA
What belt are you?:Blue belt (omost green)
Where do you want to improve?:Judo
Favorite mods: Wushu, and Aikido
Why do you want to join?:I'm really looking forward to getting in a clan, my friend (XChaos2) told me about this clan, so im really looking forward to fighting and meeting the peOple of the clan, having a challenge to face, cause I need to improve my abilities. I hope you can cons
Where do you live:Mexico
What belt are you?:yellow
Where do you want to improve?:texture creating
Favorite mods:most of all
Why do you want to join?:cus i need a lot of practice on textures
Originally Posted by GrmanEagle View Post
Where do you live?(optional):Florida, USA
What belt are you?:Blue belt (omost green)
Where do you want to improve?:Judo
Favorite mods: Wushu, and Aikido
Why do you want to join?:I'm really looking forward to getting in a clan, my friend (XChaos2) told me about this clan, so im really looking forward to fighting and meeting the peOple of the clan, having a challenge to face, cause I need to improve my abilities. I hope you can cons

Accepted. Please look at the IRC thread.

Originally Posted by MechaDax View Post
Where do you live:Mexico
What belt are you?:yellow
Where do you want to improve?:texture creating
Favorite mods:most of all
Why do you want to join?:cus i need a lot of practice on textures

If all you want is to get better at texturing, then go here:

Bleu is here to teach new people about the forums and how things work in addition with other things. If you want to learn what we're actually going to teach you, please say so. If not, please check out the link I gave you.