Originally Posted by Esscence View Post


EDIT: my first replay is on my alt that i dont play on anymore

Well, i wasn't totally sure about my vote, but then i noticed why you want to apply for Origin. Basically you join official clans for [] and, probably not what you meant, seems that you chose randomly from the clan list an official clan to join. I vote no because the app doesn't have enough infos etc. even if you read the first post.

Originally Posted by Rescudo View Post


Nice app, really enjoyable. You read the first post and you wrote pretty much about everything. Ingame activity is ok, i don't know about forum one: will you be active on our board too? I vote yes.

To Origins: use spoilers when you quote apps please, it's getting difficoult to scroll the page to find something.

App by rescudo

You read the first post and you adapted meh's apps without copying it like some people did. Has a lot of info and your grammar is decent which shows that you put a lot of effort into this app. I say yes an you deserve to be in Origin.
Originally Posted by Rescudo View Post
About me:
I guess I should start with a little information about myself, well to start of my real name is Jarred (yes, spelled slightly different than normal, parents didn't like regular spelling and now I can't find mugs with my name on them), today is literally my birthday, I just turned seventeen. I have a pretty stereotypical family: mom, dad, brother and two dogs (Max and reecee). I used to play soccer as a kid but around age eleven or so I had surgery on my feet and haven't really played since. I missed being so physically active so recently I got a gym membership and currently work out three to four times a week. I run every morning to stay somewhat in shape. Something interesting is that I've had braces since about eighth grade (going to be a senior this year) and I'm getting them removed today, on my birthday. I'm someone you wouldn't call emotionally attached, what I mean by this is that my emotions are more distant and dormant than others. So, typically I'm usually single, but I'm okay with that. Oh, and my favorite word is heliocentricism because it sounds cool and is also true. (Sorry for rambling)

Experience in Toribash:
There isn't much to say about my experience other than it seems to be pretty normal. I first found this game through a friend back in 2009, and I liked it but couldn't quite get into it. Back in March of 2014 I rediscovered it and found a love for it. If I'm being honest then I would say on a regular day I am a slightly above average player but not one of those who are crazy good. I am best in aikido and variants but lately I am trying to expand my skills to mods such as lenshu, boxshu, and xspar. Yeah, I am trying to get into sparring/tricking and such. I'm not great at it but I'll attach a sparring replay that I've made. Forum wise, I am getting better. It used to be all in game and no forum but my time in New Era really got me started in forum activities and I work to post more but most of the time I just lurk.

How I found and why I want to join:
No one recommended that I apply or such, but I've seen players of this clan playing in game and a few on the forums and saw how respectful and respectable you guys are and it amazed me. Respect is a major aspect for me, (that and organization), so this clan stood out far above the rest. I don't only want to join for the [Origin] tag (would be a nice bonus), but also to find new friends and experience how different clans go about overcoming obstacles.

Like I said before, I feel as though I am an above average player, but something different about me that I've noticed in my life is that I am able to adapt rather quickly compared to most (also why I want to expand my skills in different mods). I found this out when I started to get musical, at about thirteen I started playing the piano and joined chorus classes. Within two months of playing piano I was able to use pedals and sight read like nobodies business. That doesn't really matter, but hey something to be proud of. Getting back to skills, I think my ability to adapt is quite useful for events such as clan league or gmtourneys where a variety of mods are used. If I have maybe twenty minutes in a mod it helps me understand how to use turnframes and other variables to my advantage.

Extra Information
Antlers is not my replay, it is one Grim made, but I thought it was worth sharing. Also, my single player replay (#Rescudo Agrestic) is one of the first single player replays I made and is a bit, well, agrestic.

Thank you for taking the time to read my application and I look forward to your feedback.
Purple monkeys run wild in the red forest.

damn good application. You told us about your self, how you found toribash, you even gave a good reason for wanting to join. I like people who take there time to understand just why they like the game and want to join the clan. You get a hell yeah from me!( happy birthday btw)
|Proud founder of origin|
Clan Squad|Event Squad<Biggems|Simga|
Got a clan issue? How about a App? pm me!
Zeus for Smod| I’m a god just deal!
The Brazilian (Dog) Godfather
Invited Rescudo. Welcome!

Originally Posted by Kirmish View Post
I don't get it. So I am not denied? What should I do now exactly?

No, you haven't been denied. Optimus tested you but i haven't seen any replay from him, without them it's a bit hard for me to understand your skills. If he doesn't put them here you'll have to decide a day for the test with one of higher ranks' members (from Council Members to Leaders).
Originally Posted by WeppetKo View Post
Invited Rescudo. Welcome!

No, you haven't been denied. Optimus tested you but i haven't seen any replay from him, without them it's a bit hard for me to understand your skills. If he doesn't put them here you'll have to decide a day for the test with one of higher ranks' members (from Council Members to Leaders).

Alright, just PM me and we will settle the time.
Originally Posted by Kirmish View Post
Alright, just PM me and we will settle the time.

I can't come ingame right now. If you in some hours you still have to be tested i'll PM you.
I'll sit in with you guys, when you test him .
|Proud founder of origin|
Clan Squad|Event Squad<Biggems|Simga|
Got a clan issue? How about a App? pm me!
Zeus for Smod| I’m a god just deal!
The Brazilian (Dog) Godfather
does anyone have kirmishes replays from his test yesterday he tells me that either optimus or error has them. in autosave
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...