Guner obviously if we knew the tag would have been different Beta perhaps we should find this clan and make a compromise

well i looked here and no clan exsists with the clan tag [u] except for ours sooo we will be keeping our tag thankyou
Last edited by DimeBag77; Dec 10, 2012 at 05:23 PM.
Originally Posted by Beta View Post
Lol for some reason I enjoy looking through new clans and they are all low belts acting like they can kick everybody's ass's :P Funny shit.
Story made by N8t added.

I had my gf edit it before I sent it. I am glad you liked it enough to post.
Originally Posted by Beta
Lol for some reason I enjoy looking through new clans and they are all low belts acting like they can kick everybody's ass's :P Funny shit.
Story made by N8t added.

I had my gf edit it before I sent it. I am glad you liked it enough to post.

it really is very nice n8t...
but you didnt include the ultimate group in it (witch i want to be someday :3)
Last edited by Ocean; Dec 10, 2012 at 08:19 PM.
Originally Posted by DimeBag77 View Post
Guner obviously if we knew the tag would have been different Beta perhaps we should find this clan and make a compromise

well i looked here and no clan exsists with the clan tag [u] except for ours sooo we will be keeping our tag thankyou

You should ask permission from Birb, it's his tag not your, just for politement.
Originally Posted by Guner View Post
You should ask permission from Birb, it's his tag not your, just for politement.

I know you mean well so thank you for your opinion. Like I tell Beta,

"It is what it is."
Originally Posted by PurpleAce View Post
it really is very nice n8t...
but you didnt include the ultimate group in it (witch i want to be someday :3)

Actually I did,
"When Beta arrived on Earth he needed a strong support group so he called out to distant worlds for skilled individuals which he would call Ultimates. These members
only had one directive and that was to protect Earth."

One of them in particular named N8t stood amongst the rest and declared his objective to protect Beta and Earth.

So I am part of the Ultimates but Beta chose me to be Co-Ldr and protect him and Earth. I made forgers out of metal and fire.

I actually thought about it before I posted it. lol. But thank you for nit-picking the story.
Last edited by -ian-; Dec 11, 2012 at 01:47 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Guner View Post
I've got a question, do you know there were a clan that has tag [u] before of your existence ? And that clan was called United, did you asked the permission from the man that created that clan ? He's now Birb (Bird)

Gunner, clan died. Not only was the tag dead, but 'Bird' (Birb) joined Aliens. So on so forth, I requested Fish to delete the clan so I can have the tag. If you have a problem with it, you can take it up with the clan mods. Other than that, deal with it. I don't have to ask permission, he didn't make 'Ultimate'. He made 'United'. Since he did not make this clan, no permission is required.

Also ofc I would post your story.
Last edited by Jak; Dec 11, 2012 at 01:49 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Happy Halloween!!!!!
[u]Ultimate | Team Shit-ido | National GayTerrorist Club |Photoshop Corp.
R.I.P UNDEAD21, Beta, and Assazin
Originally Posted by Guner View Post
You should ask permission from Birb, it's his tag not your, just for politement.

You are talking in the third person, You are birb...
Btw I am Abdy. First time posting here and I would like to say Hi, So Hi.
Anyone ingame at the moment. We can have a friendly clan war.

Originally Posted by Eason View Post
Checked Bird's IP and it matches.
Bird is definitely Guner.

Thanks Abdy. Funny when people talk in third person.
Happy Halloween!!!!!
[u]Ultimate | Team Shit-ido | National GayTerrorist Club |Photoshop Corp.
R.I.P UNDEAD21, Beta, and Assazin
lol i bet he feels stupid Beta bro and N8T and whoever else is online should jo ultimate and perhaps we could clan war with Ethr >: 3