Oh :/ that's gay as shit, you could still post on the secret board, and in the regular board.
Big genital guy hmu ladies
Originally Posted by haXu View Post
I sent it to you.

Knowing that:
1) You're not allowed to give the password out
2) I didn't send Tehpixelman the password for a reason

He just joined the clan. In these cases, many of them will leave within 1 week to a month. Giving out the password to some person that you are unaware of their loyalty is not good at all, because once he leave, we'll need to bother a clan admin AGAIN and tell them to void out the account for the board as well as change the board password. I guess TehPixelMan is cool, but don't you ever do this again. If you would like to give out the password to a particular person, at least send me a PM, or post in the seekrit board so we can discuss whether it would be a good decision. Besides, I do not intend for everyone to gain access to this board, only those who are trustworthy and loyal clan veterans, as this acts as a "council" for the clan.

Originally Posted by Tehpixelman View Post
Oh :/ that's gay as shit, you could still post on the secret board, and in the regular board.

We do post, as long as there something to talk about. If you believe there is lack in activity, you could create a topic or so; it's just that there's not really much to talk about. So if you promote activity, then activity will come.
Last edited by OfUnknown; Feb 19, 2011 at 08:08 AM.
Originally Posted by jumpysnake View Post
Speaking of gay as shit, did you get the password to the seekrit board yet?

Well yes, this post kinda tricked me into it, since there was no answer or any further talking about it, i decided to do it myself. Ive seen many people whine about things happening too slow here.
Boredpayne Moderated Message:
User warned, please refrain from posting useless things in clan boards when you are not a member or ally of that clan.
Last edited by Boredpayne; Feb 20, 2011 at 04:00 AM.