No its software piece like blender...
But unlike blender it has SHITLOAD OF FEATURES, easy to use and cost 2.000$...
google it =D
Cinema 4D
Cool! So you have to buy a CD or do you have to pay to download?

Thanks so much for rendering it, Deridor! Looks amazing! You, my friend, are awesome ; D

Googled C4D... It's super expensive... How did you guys get it?
Last edited by Gryphon; Jul 5, 2010 at 04:36 PM.
Submission day at dA.

Have a look if want :3

The usual shit-abstracts, btw.
DeviantArt (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Warning: Removal of the attached label is punishable by instant death.
Also to download the demo just fill a form that is there in dowload sections then downloadit register t and you have it for like 40 days.