Looks like a lot has happened in my abscence...
And that a major glitch has appeared...

If you can remember the lone swordsman I talked about who beat 4 Forgotten Beasts, he has killed 20 Forgotten Beasts and 4 Dragons. And a lot more enemies.
As for my latest fortress, one of my dwarves made an Artifact Sword... which made the elves angry. So now my fortress has been destroyed because of an Artifact made of wood.
Preparing to fight some ninja squirrels...
Wot, you didn't destroy them first? A single steel-clad dorf could take on a dozen elves in a scrap, no sweat. Hell, a single steel-clad dorf can take on just about anything with a reasonable chance of success, so i guess that's kind of an unfair comparison. But then again, i once defeated an elven ambush with raw recruits armed only with fists and beards, and this was during my learning time. The elves suffered disproportionatly large losses, and my dorfs now had wooden weapons after brawling the shit out of the elves.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Well, this happened directly after the artifact was made. And just as I was about to begin my barracks
This game doesn't want me to build a barracks. My fortresses always crumble when I begin to build one or even think of building one.

And that fortress was named...
The Dwarf Fortress.
Modified the language files to add words like "nano" and "cryomancer."
Preparing to fight some ninja squirrels...
Barracks? Oh right, you can build those.


Frankly, i rarely bother unless i get very frequent visitors. Even then i just dump the armor in a gigantic stockpile of everything, then the dorfs can wade around in their clunky steel armor. Admittedly though, i haven't exactly handled the past few invasions very well, i usually just wait them out behind my gatehouse.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
I hacked my embark points a few times, embarking with 7 dwarves with everything proficient and full steel armor. Half of those original dwarves die during the first goblin ambush.
Originally Posted by Arglax View Post
I hacked my embark points a few times, embarking with 7 dwarves with everything proficient and full steel armor. Half of those original dwarves die during the first goblin ambush.

Sounds like karma to me.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Originally Posted by Zayex View Post
Sounds like karma to me.

Dwarf fortress took revenge by itself

Don't forget Losing is Fun
Winning is for Losers
(\(\(\ My work /)/)/)
_('ω'(Q) Have a Banana
Losing is fun, yet it usually ends up causing chaos anyway, because it slows down everything for me.
But I probably should learn to be patient.
That or I can generate a world, set fire to everything that is plant or tree, delete the world, and whilst I wait for a new world to be generated, mod Cave Story or something.
How does one hack one's embark points? I remember having -100-something points once
Last edited by sbanen; May 4, 2012 at 01:43 AM. Reason: Smilies came out wrong
Preparing to fight some ninja squirrels...
It's memory editing.

Also, losing is fun. I lose eventually, but I want to speed up the first stages of the fort (digging all the rooms etc etc) before I get to the fun part.