Originally Posted by snake View Post
you all suck guys

and as a faggot who always whine about stealth, i would like to clarify that the only stealth warframe is LOKI

ash: all skills cause alert, including shuriken

banshee: sonar is pretty useless due it's extremely short range, silence is pretty useless too.

shade pet: also useles for stealth, since even when you crouch with is, enemy spot this flying shit like if you were standing.

if you plan to do melee stealth then i recommend to get eather dual swords any kind of, since you will need it to multicut enemies that stuck one in each other, or another choice is glave, since you can throw it and it's stealthy

from ranged weapons only paris fit stealth, since it's the only weapon you may shoot and to stay undetected

rhino is the superior stealth frame

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
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no doubt about that, but my post was directed to people who wonder which character is good for stealth, and since i own all stealth warframes, i guess i can save some time for people and state that all warframes except loki are useless for stealth.
shade sentiel is useless aswell. got this one, tested it out too.
Last edited by snake; Apr 29, 2013 at 08:07 PM.
Originally Posted by snake View Post
you all suck guys

and as a faggot who always whine about stealth, i would like to clarify that the only stealth warframe is LOKI

K... Although Loki is classed as "utility" rather than stealth.

Originally Posted by snake View Post
ash: all skills cause alert, including shuriken

ATM yes, but they're up for being "fixed". Teleport will be getting changed to place you behind your target, and anyone who uses smokebomb close enough to someone for them to notice needs a slap.
None the less Ash is still better off in the fray fighting, Loki is better off at a distance & providing support with the occasional invisibility melee spam for crits.

Originally Posted by snake View Post
banshee: sonar is pretty useless due it's extremely short range, silence is pretty useless too.

Level the skills to increase the range... Note that they have been adjusted since she was added. If you want more range then add mods to increase it.

They also sell her with the Paris for a reason... ¬_¬

Originally Posted by snake View Post
shade pet: also useles for stealth, since even when you crouch with is, enemy spot this flying shit like if you were standing.

You're well out of date there, Shade cloaks itself as well as it's owner, it was only the initial release where it didn't. Once again level the ghost precept & it'll cloak you when something is within a rather wide range. Providing I can march Mag & Sayrn through a level undetected if I want to I'd say it's rather good at what it does.

Originally Posted by snake View Post
if you plan to do melee stealth then i recommend to get eather dual swords any kind of, since you will need it to multicut enemies that stuck one in each other, or another choice is glave, since you can throw it and it's stealthy

Dual Ether, although my fav melee weapon, aren't suitable for the scenario; there are faster weapons that'll deal more damage from spamming E & the charge attack is piss weak. Save them for chopping up infested mooks since that's where they shine.

By rights if you're playing stealth you'll have a shade which will allow for spamming sneak kills on everyone near you undetected. At which point you may as well take something that's going to dole out the damage. Shade + Scindo = stealth one shot on anything that isn't shielded/boss/ancient. Try one shotting a L25 grineer pleb with Dual Ether (hint - it doesn't work)

The Glaive is a whole other matter...

Originally Posted by snake View Post
from ranged weapons only paris fit stealth, since it's the only weapon you may shoot and to stay undetected

[Insert Glaive here] <-- it's useless for melee but is classed as silent when thrown, making it the second ranged silent weapon. They have promised that silent side arms will be added, so then you can have a full set.


Originally Posted by snake View Post
shade sentiel is useless aswell. got this one, tested it out too.

I beg to differ, and I'm pretty sure hanz0 will too.
Last edited by SkulFuk; Apr 29, 2013 at 10:07 PM.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
K... Although Loki is classed as "utility" rather than stealth.

Level the skills to increase the range... Note that they have been adjusted since she was added. If you want more range then add mods to increase it.

They also sell her with the Paris for a reason... ¬_¬

maxed out sonar. useless.

Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
You're well out of date there, Shade cloaks itself as well as it's owner, it was only the initial release where it didn't. Once again level the ghost precept & it'll cloak you when something is within a rather wide range. Providing I can march Mag & Sayrn through a level undetected if I want to I'd say it's rather good at what it does.

try to read once again. i wasn't talking about shade clocking itself, but that enemies spot it like you are standing up. try to crouch walk around without shade and then with shade. enemies will spot it and you on longer distance then crouching without it.

Dual Ether, although my fav melee weapon, aren't suitable for the scenario; there are faster weapons that'll deal more damage from spamming E & the charge attack is piss weak. Save them for chopping up infested mooks since that's where they shine.

Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
By rights if you're playing stealth you'll have a shade which will allow for spamming sneak kills on everyone near you undetected. At which point you may as well take something that's going to dole out the damage. Shade + Scindo = stealth one shot on anything that isn't shielded/boss/ancient. Try one shotting a L25 grineer pleb with Dual Ether (hint - it doesn't work)

i own shade. read the issue up here. it's rather easy to sneak up without shade then while using it.

The Glaive is a whole other matter...

Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
[Insert Glaive here] <-- it's useless for melee but is classed as silent when thrown, making it the second ranged silent weapon. They have promised that silent side arms will be added, so then you can have a full set.

glaive is melee weapon class, read up my post where i mentioned it.

stealth kills were introduced in 7.0 after bumping stealth suggestions thread over9000 times. ash stealth issues were adressed when game was still in closed beta, yet no changes. but DE actually listen to some things, thats why enemies can't spot you from back when they scratch their legs etc and on dead angles anymore or atleast not as often as it used to be. patchfinding is still an issue etc.
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post

I beg to differ, and I'm pretty sure hanz0 will too.

get shade and crouch around. notice the distance enemies spot you in straight line of sight and indirect around 120.

and do the same without sentiels. you will see a great difference, hence why sneaking up without shade is rather better.

stealth - completing levels undetected, and it's possible, but require fixes in patchfinding, skills and ammount of enemies if player is undetected.

Last edited by snake; Apr 30, 2013 at 12:10 AM.
Attempting to use a sentinel while attempting to be "stealthy" is dumb.
The only thing you really use should be Smoke bomb/Invisibility since they're the same thing.

whothehelltriestostealtheverymissionwhyisthisevenb eingdebated
Originally Posted by snake View Post
maxed out sonar. useless.

try to read once again. i wasn't talking about shade clocking itself, but that enemies spot it like you are standing up. try to crouch walk around without shade and then with shade. enemies will spot it and you on longer distance then crouching without it.

Dual Ether, although my fav melee weapon, aren't suitable for the scenario; there are faster weapons that'll deal more damage from spamming E & the charge attack is piss weak. Save them for chopping up infested mooks since that's where they shine.

i own shade. read the issue up here. it's rather easy to sneak up without shade then while using it.

The Glaive is a whole other matter...

glaive is melee weapon class, read up my post where i mentioned it.

stealth kills were introduced in 7.0 after bumping stealth suggestions thread over9000 times. ash stealth issues were adressed when game was still in closed beta, yet no changes. but DE actually listen to some things, thats why enemies can't spot you from back when they scratch their legs etc and on dead angles anymore or atleast not as often as it used to be. patchfinding is still an issue etc.

get shade and crouch around. notice the distance enemies spot you in straight line of sight and indirect around 120.

and do the same without sentiels. you will see a great difference, hence why sneaking up without shade is rather better.

stealth - completing levels undetected, and it's possible, but require fixes in patchfinding, skills and ammount of enemies if player is undetected.

this guy, this guy just doesnt get it