Noice, anyway, I did something pretty cool on photoshop a few nights ago. I'll post it later I guess. I have to leave with the fam

Yeah the artwork or sketch or whatever you wanna call it, I was talking about. Suggestions and CnC are welcome bby's. Like on literally anything. I'm kinda on a slump or rut I guess where I have no idea what to draw and I just cant draw to save my life XDD So yeaah. It'd be great if you guys could help with that.
LMAO Sorry for that. I thought Chris invited you, didnt realize he messaged me to do it til he got impatient and added you himself XD no biggy tho. I approve of you anyways : >
You guys suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck XD JMO I know you're reading this! Reply XD
Last edited by CloudFair3; Jul 4, 2015 at 06:27 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Hi everyone this is Jaames_Slarr coming to you live from......My bedroom....But i'm here to announce a few things that are going on in the higher up in tau!!
Ok first. We are going through a tau reboot!! Maybe your asking what that means?
Well first off we have new people in leadership roles as listed
Kat, Cloud and Chris are Head Leaders now.
Myself and Pingu are Co Leaders.
The second thing i would like to announce is that we are having a mass clan kick.
If you dont want to be kicked let me or one of the other leaders know and we will talk about it. The only thing we ask from you guys is your support and patience going into this as it may take some time to get our stuff together.

Thank you and peace - Jaames_Slarr
Why was I not informed of this? What the fuck? LMAO JK

Aight well like Jaames said, mass kick in a few. Already messaged some guys who seem inactive 2 days ago. I'll remind everyone else of this in the skype chatterinoo.

Have a good day everyone
Hola Sr Pidge welcome to Tau's thread XD Regarding the Kat thing, Kat's around mostly as an adviser, clan will always be his, Chris,James and I just have a lot more breathing room with changes. So yeah that's a thing.

Speaking of changes.

Aight guys, I more or less cleaned the clan up a bit, now, we need new recruits. We have two ways to go about with this. Look for already developed players in public servers, tourneys or anything of the like. Or we could go for players with a lot of potential in the lower belt rooms. We do not allow or encourage alts in the clan without valid reason however, if you do have an alt with a lower belt, I ask that you keep your eyes peeled for anyone with potential. Take note of their names and I'll try to schedule a meet up with them.

Icky mentioned a name, Zhyco, so yeah, check him out if you seem him ingame, talk to him hangout try to recruit him.

Oh and we will try to enforce a 2 posts a week to ensure activity unless given a valid reason such as the Shangs (Ancient Gods) these are the old clan members that have a lot going on with life so they cant be as active as they were before. Hey be here long enough and hang with us long enough you might get in there too. I already have two guys in mind for said rank.

Now onto a less serious note,so yeah quick story. We were playing a water game, so the floor was wet. I threw a water balloon at the other team, they threw some back at me, I tried to dodge it, only to slip and hit my chin and head on the floor
I got treated for it because I felt dizzy and felt like I needed to vomit
so yeah, when I spit, the ummm like deep spit I guess. blood comes with it

So yeah last reminders, have fun, be safe and have a good day. )))