Hi ToriGod.I'm very happy to see a new forum boi with me.Let's post and war together.
You are already valuable .
Looking forward to seeing you in-game aswell, and ill try my darndest to be active on forum. I do work a lot, but ill make time to hop on atleast once a day for a few hours. Been a while since ive been in a clan, hopefully i remember majority of what to do. this game looks so much different than what it was a year ago, or maybe longer.
"Follow Me, Everything Is Alright, Ill Be The One To Tuck You In At Night"
Just relax.You can find out everything with time.I can help if you don't understand something about new tb
trueeee, i almost effed a man too once, he was 50 years old and acting as his 17 year old sister on the internet