I can

He joined some clan called "reborn" anyways.

Makes our jobs easier
Last edited by Fancy; Apr 18, 2014 at 04:45 AM.
nothing much

Hello Members from Tea.

I am Xec, yes I know I am sure you guys don't like me based on what you have seen recently in the ban history.

My past isn't great, I will admit that and rather then hide from it like I have tried, I have made the decision to embrace it. Yes I have made mistakes(quite a lot of them) but I have learned from them. I am a totally different person as I was then and I feel that when judging my application you should judge me as who I am now rather than who I was and how I acted before.

First I want to start off by saying that I have wanted to join this clan sense it first started up quite a while ago, not the reboot but the first time you guys are all funny people and I feel that given time I could possibly be a good friend of you guys. I am a good person once you get to know me.

I live in New Mexico, that makes my GMT -7 and the time now is 7:52 am.

My hobbies include, Playing basketball and playing Toribash.

I joined Toribash in 09, 5 years ago as a 14 year old brat kid who liked the feeling of breaking the rules of the internet and not really giving two shits about what people thought of me, as I grew older I started craving attention, leading to the alt making and lying about who I am.

Now that I have matured over the years, I am not looking for attention but looking for friends and a clan that I can stay in for a while. I am not quitting soon, and I am not getting into any big trouble. Mistakes are gonna happen and I will probably get small infractions but everybody does. (Not everybody but you know what I mean).

My favorite mods are Brush, Rk_mma, Lenshu3ng and Akbd in that order.

I play and roam the forums in large increments, if I have nothing to do I will be on for hours and if i am not on here with my comp I am on with my phone.

I have found out that my Galaxy s4 can run webchat so I can be in IRC a lot too probably not talkin as much but there checking in every once and awhile.

I am bad at freeform apps so if there is anything i missed feel free to ask

Ban list:


What have you done for this to happen? How is this account not banned? Oh do I have questions, and boy if you wanna say you've matured, don't tell us, show us.

Id like to speak to you in irc sometime. Seem like an alright guy, good app, but bad rep and clearly did something horrible.
ES Member | [a] Adventure
Lying about who I am and shitting up before lead to the things that happened recently.

and the reason why I am not banned now is because I confessed to fish that I was lying(even though he already kenw) and told him that ive changed and I have.

I am in irc now actually.
I think you aren't prepared to come in our clan yet. Beyond that, I have to consider your past, you said that we have to judge you as you are now, I don't know who you're now. I guess it's earlier to say that you are a new person. Not saying that you won't change yourself though.
I say No, sorry.
Ok i think you can post around here and get to know us.

If we feel like you really have/want to change we'll let you in.
If thats ok with others?

also join #tea
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