Fact: The name Q- on Quakenet gives you the mysterious power of being killed by the server. Try it sometime, preferably when everybody else is around.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Fact: Ignore these five words
<spencer135> I'm God.
<Wetto> well
<Wetto> I'm thor
<Wetto> How many non shitty album covers have you been on hmm?
<spencer135> ...
Really sorry guys about my absence but im gonna be away for another week and a half as i have to fly home for a family matter. I will be abck on top form after that though. sorry again guys
Fact: Sparrow hawk should not worry because it is completly normal to take a vacation! In fact, I will be taking a 3 week one in 4 weeks
Fact is everyone goes on vaction too much. Sodding rockstars XD

Edit: There is a thread for notices of holidays and stuff use it.

Dont post it here >_<
Last edited by Mr-Deanster; Jul 1, 2007 at 11:09 AM.
Jarmund>{#toribash} Dr-Meanster: finish your sentences before pressing enter.