Most cliche in any game involving more than one character, idiotic sidekick/campanions/teammates >< 'No I got caught by the monster' 'God damnit, again..'

Good example for this is Crysis, may not think so, but you have to save EVERYONE because they can't fire a damn gun in a straight line u.u
The super-soldier. Ya right, I'm tanking grenades and shells, fire, mines, and bullets. This is what also happens:

a) Enemies die in like... one shot. Not even one shot because you can run at them and melee them. And you take a sliver of damage.

b) Falling kills you faster than a bullet. What... the.... hell.

c) When you finally fight a boss they're either really freaking hard, or just another stupid grunt that you can destroy with your eyes closed.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Match 3 games (Bejeweled and the gagillion clones) are in and of themselves a massive cliché. The ratio between them and other games is like 5:1, which i find annoying, because they're all the fucking same thing, but in slightly different looking packages. And they all claim to be oh-so-good. Bah. If people think that FPS's are overused, they obviously haven't tried this god-awful genre.

Also, games where you can kill giant creatures by just slashing their feet a little with a sword, while you can take a thousand blows from their gigantic, but apparently feeble limbs. Seriously, a massive creature could instantly kill you by stepping on you, and you should only be able to kill it by somehow plunging a sword into their brain. The worst part is that only VERY few games actually follow this principle. Spore, as an example, does. If you happen to fight one o' dem epic monsters, you'd know that they instantly whoop you by stomping you to a fine paste. If it was World of Warcraft, it would take several hundred stomps to just dent your shiny cloth armor, while you quickly kill them with your deadly deadly daggers.

And while i'm at it, games with normally built, non-superpowered people who use multi-ton melee weapons without breaking a sweat, and said weapons hitting with the force of a swung pillow. Sure, huge weapons are great, but i'd like the character to look like he/she can actually carry it, instead of looking like he/she would be crushed under the weight. I'd also like to see the weapons cause an appropriate amount of damage. A huge axe isn't just going to get "zomg glancing blow" on an unarmored character. That, or make the weapons not be goddamn ridiculous. >.>

<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
3 times boss fights. A good example is almost every boss in Zelda : first you kill his "shell" then you do something that ought to have killed him but he miraculously survives and gets bigger and stronger, then you beat him with a weird technique like throwing nuts with a boomerang at him.
It really gets too predictable
Killin nazis The central human characters for most war games.

Also though it might not be cliche necessarily, since everyone is complaining, I might as well say it anyways.
Why is it that in many games, it takes like 30 bullets to kill a guy, but one or two melee hits only? Halo 3 is a perfect example. You can unload a clip on a guy and he wont die, but run behind him and melee and he is pretty much dead. >:| rage
Nicotine Valium Vicodine Marijuana Ecstacy and Alcohol...

When nothing ever seems to bother the main character, and you always have an amazing arsenal of weaponry, and stupid things like this make the game just uninteresting
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Yea, and where do rpg characters stock all of their equipement? Most games don't have an explanation on how you can fit 48 pergamins, 8 magical stafs, 6 swords, 4 axes, 2 giant hammers, 10 un-rotting rat heads, 658954 keys and 4 horses which one happens to be an elephant in one invisible bag...
And then there's the level-necessary concept.

One piece of non-magical leather armor is better than one piece of non-magical torn letter armor. Now why do I have to be 5 "levels" higher to use the nice and shiny one? I mean, it's not like you need specific skills to use specific shorts in football.
mmmmk im ognna have t say this cuz it getting quite annoying...


Ex. madworld nomoreheros.

and MANY MANY more
Oh, in RPG's and stuff, the thing that FNugget stepped into: The hero being the chosen one, you get to see cutscenes where they say like: "His potential might be even greater then mine" etc, after the character leaves the screen. Also him/her being a total wimp, but then comes through. Also having a party with the same old characters; the weak girl who wants to get stronger, the badass guy who always comes with witty comments, and some mascot. Talking animals. Eww.

(Basically, everything on this post comes from Rogue Galaxy, which is a jrpg.)

Otherwise, yeah, world war 2.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [] [Quit:]