GL Nobuddie,Hope you sort out everything.

OK ,try to learn to adjust or manage other distracions with RL,I'm sure it'll selp on the long run.

Enjoy out tough
KONY 2012
Can i have your stuff? Exactly written the way you want it. I think you should keep it for if you're coming back though.
Originally Posted by Nobuddie View Post
The first one that says "Can i have your stuff?" Is a really cool guy, and gets my whole account ->>>not

I will come back...

Thanks alot for all.

I just wanted to see who is an ass and wants my stuff >.< (Your not an ass 2bash)
Originally Posted by phail View Post
nn Nobud, see you in the morning.

Sadly, that morning will never come.

Goodbye, Nobuddie. See you in 2 months.
It makes me wonder..