Ok, here goes.[ I'll refine this and post it in the members thread when i have time ]

All members can invite people.

As we have a good level of trust between members of urban I see no reason why anyone shouldnt be able to invite someone. If they have impressed that member enough to be invited in the first place, that's good enough for me to allow the voting process to start.

On a side note, If you are going to invite someone it would be wise to make should they are not in a clan when you invite them. If they are willing to "ditch" their old clan it doesn't speak well for their character. Disloyalty is not a character trait I want to introduce into Urban.

Due to this I am announcing that Nuramon will not be entering the clan at this time. Once he has fully cut his ties with his old clan he can be reconsidered for an invitation.
Last edited by Ern; Apr 15, 2009 at 02:25 AM.
Org's :: OldA OoT OrMo
Well, Nuramon said he was gonna talk with Hive. He obviously didn't so now I'm in the wrong. Sorry anyway. =\
its ok 2bash. I think with a change in leadership we needed a little reestablishment of the rules. no harm done!
Originally Posted by majicpooky View Post
...a little reestablishment of the rules...

Thats the plan,I'll talk to flub and get it all sorted in the next day or two.
Org's :: OldA OoT OrMo
Sorry for the invade and all, but as Hive's co-leader, I'd like to have a say in this.

Nuramon, you have greatly disappointed me. Sure, Urban is an awesome clan and all. But you STICK to your clans. If you're not able of doing that, you might as well be clanless. I expect an apology, not only to me, but to LadyDEATH, who put her time and heart into making Hive.

I want to have a little chat with you and Lady at the same time. Get on IRC, or PM me your e-mail.
Originally Posted by RedDevil View Post
Sorry for the invade and all, but as Hive's co-leader, I'd like to have a say in this.

Nuramon, you have greatly disappointed me. Sure, Urban is an awesome clan and all. But you STICK to your clans. If you're not able of doing that, you might as well be clanless. I expect an apology, not only to me, but to LadyDEATH, who put her time and heart into making Hive.

I want to have a little chat with you and Lady at the same time. Get on IRC, or PM me your e-mail.

Yesh ^ :P
So guys. I have left Hive. I am ready for awesomeness

EDIT: @all Urban members: I wanna apologise for all this drama above. I haven't thought about this whole situation before. It was a stupid fault of me. I hope you will understand!
Last edited by flxy; Apr 15, 2009 at 01:55 PM.
These things happen Nura. There is a first time for everything. No hard feelings
Org's :: OldA OoT OrMo