Pendulum rocks! I have their Hold Your Colour Album, it's really great. Favorite song: Plasticworld.
I have Hold Your Colour and i love it. Also one of the two DNB bands i listen to.

Never bothered to download any other albums, gonna get In Silico right now.
Whoop Whoop
Visions, Hold your Color, Blood Sugar and Tempest are my favorites.
I don't listen to them a lot anymore, I guess I should do it some time again
Has anyone heard Sounds of Life with Jasmine Yee? It's actually pretty damn good. Quite catchy.
lead Sigma
I did. I have all their songs. i was listening to tarantula yesterday while driving.
If you wanna make a powerful cd, try mixin' pendulum, prodigy and steroid maximus.
I've never heard Steroid Maximus, might go check it out. Also, Tarantula is pretty good, not really one of my faves though.
lead Sigma
Yes, it's a bit too speedy, and has some drumnbase/hiphop/whatever kind of rythm that i don't like much, but it's perfect when you are driving.
I noticed that noone mentioned mutiny, wth it's one of their best songs