the best player would have to be someone like Kamiko or Zaa, if you're talking about a single mode.

Although Nuthug is scary in most modes. and players like Chezda and Odlov make the game look so beautiful...

I wonder who the best player really is - who contributed the most to the way the game is played.
Jepoy is number one...

Best playerr....uhmmm...Ticux...uhmm...and nuthug...uhmm i will add more players if i remember one...
Originally Posted by Viris_Laborer View Post
rank 1 is jepoy
and the best player is warcry

Awwwww, hey-ell NO.

It's hard to define who is the best player overall. Toribash is so very, very diverse, but we know who is good at a certain thing.
In wushu, I would say it's either Sahee, Odlov or Kamiko (off the top of my head) but as for other modes, I have no idea :P
[A L P H A]
Overall - NutHug, closely followed by Ticux and maybe kw0mp.
Nut pioneered all the running stuff, and makes ridiculously realistic replays.

TK - Imsku
Aikido - NutHug
Sambo - NutHug
Twinswords(lol) - NutHug
Wushu - Some alpha guy
Judo - Who gives a shit?
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove View Post
Overall - NutHug, closely followed by Ticux and maybe kw0mp.
Nut pioneered all the running stuff, and makes ridiculously realistic replays.

TK - Imsku
Aikido - NutHug
Sambo - NutHug
Twinswords(lol) - NutHug
Wushu - Odlov
Judo - Who gives a shit?


Yes Odlov is the best at wushu.
He pwnz the pwnz0rz