Originally Posted by Gynx View Post
G4rules19 and Lukas125.

Say your goodbyes, if you want to.

Brownstain has Barebly posted on the forums... Jsut 1 post

And i barebly see him ingame, ANything wrong? is he sick?
"My motivation is Failure" Call me Person.
{DarDarDarDar Dakneshh.}
Yeah I am kinda concerned about brownstain's inactivity. I see him on msn alot, and sometimes in game, but he needs to get on the forums more =\
(Hive people only, haha!)
Trust me, i know, icelegend worries me, he's a nice guy and i see him ingame, i've told him to come on the forums, tripwire9 has posted a miniscule amount, too.
collect snots from the nose