smells like a steaming hot boll of shit

just look at all the other "(something something) just died so i totaly post this in toribash" that is all
Ishi4admin Wh-ORMO
dude in australia its the 6th of january, that could mean he "died" on the 2nd, still, thats not a few days b4 his death that "diary" entry
<smegg> I want you to be gay for me
<smegg> Please
No comment for now.

I'm pretty sure you faint when you are dehydrated, not die. I have a friend who was really dehydrated, and he was coming up in a elevator, he was fine though. Just had to give his body some more fluids threw his skin or something.

If this is real, I want to say I am sorry for your loss.
If this is fake, like most of the other stuff that happened with toribash deaths, and this is all a play to try to start over again, that is lame.
[12:04] <@Jarmund> the only thing that could make it even clearer that he didn't have a woman, would be if he played WoW
[21:20] <blkk> what does fap mean?
Damn stop being such assholes some of you =(

Over here in japan its the 6th, he died on the 2nd, and the diary date is on the 1st.
k so

"Tyfuu died from dehydration 4 days ago, because he got food poisoned."
Today is January 5th. Thus he "died" on the 1st.

"Here is something from Tyfuu's private diary that was written a few days before his death: 1/1/09"
That would mean he died on the same day as the diary post. Completely contradicting the "written a few days before" part. Even if it is the 6th where you are, "a few" is not equivalent to "the day before".

In addition, if the diary entry was indeed written a few days before his death, when I highly doubt he would know that he was dying (Being that he was at a PARTY the night before and "sick and dizzy" aren't very serious symptoms), why would he suddenly be apologizing to people he had offended?

That said, threads like these have been done.
Whether or not they are true or not, they always degenerate into flaming and stupidity.


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