Originally Posted by UncleanSp View Post
Death Metal, Hard metal, Black metal, Symphonic metal and shit like that, then some random stuff, like Hard rock, some... Pop, R&B, Hardcore, etc.

I wub j00. I am metal. I will make everything metal. Blacker than the blackest black times infinity. and some hardstyle techno when I feels like it but I lost my virginity to metal so...yeah lubs it.
Originally Posted by H4rl3quin View Post
"alt rock" has to be the greatest of all genres - muse, the chili peppers, pink floyd... the list goes on forever.

anything with good guitar in it, too.

How is Pink Floyd alt rock?

I like progressive/psychadelic/hard rock - Pink Floyd, The Who, Cream, Led Zeppelin, ELP, Supertramp, King Crimson, Queen, AC/DC, Santana - along with some Folk like Bob Dylan, Jose Gonzalez and John Butler Trio.

Along with some random stuff like Ravi Shankar
All sorts of metal and rock. 1213 songs, enough for me. Oh and sometimes when i feel like listening to DNB, i open up the one album from Pendulum that i have..

Whoop Whoop
If I was on my own computer i would post mah folders, but i'm not so bear with me.

Metal (not death metal)
Electronica (a tiny bit)
Echomarine 4 the win
I think I should list my albums...


Cinco Diablo

Blood Stained Love Story

Every Six Seconds

Rage Against the Machine:


Rage Against the Machine

Evil Empire

The Battle of Los Angeles
Everything, I like all music.

Mostly Metal, Rock, R&B, etc.
btw, I win.

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Last edited by Powelly; Jan 13, 2009 at 08:53 AM.
I like mostly non-rubish music, that from the good death metals to the all new Drum and Base.
I mostly can support everything instead of elecrto, house and pop. I think those "musics" dont need any knowledge to be made, so they dont really worth a penny. But well everyone has his opinions right?

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

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