wtf masterjosh you are wrong about me getting what I want I just think you don't like me at all. I tried making friends with you but no you instead start being mean to me, to a 13 year old.
Last edited by buyakia; Dec 23, 2008 at 08:49 PM.
Bro. stfu im getting high today if im back on my comp high as fuck and i see your being a douche im going to barrage you with a flurry of sentences and words that no sober person will understand
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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im going to go off on the next person who pisses me off my friends having trouble with the dealer and if i dont get my weed im going to kill someone
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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MasterJ05sh you have some major problems.....
my opinion is that you do help out your former clan mate its the only right thing to do
Hi it's Praeter
Originally Posted by Mrama View Post
MasterJ05sh you have some major problems.....
my opinion is that you do help out your former clan mate its the only right thing to do

* hes not a former clan mate he is a clan mate
* no one asked for your god damned opinion
* i do not have problems mind your own fucking business
* and i know whats right and wrong so up yours

and kj fine w/e you and buya think is fine now im going to go make a baby drink Antifreeze because i dident get my god damn weed today
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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