i don't like speaking in front of crowds so i always missed days when i had to then one time we had to write something in one day then we would read it in front of the whole class i have very poor handwriting because i am left handed and the teachers wouldn't allow me to turn my crooked to write (it was a trick my great-grandmother taught me about writing left-handed witch made it easier to write well) i was stuttering and was speaking so low and fast that the teacher told me he would read it for me but i would have 10 points taken off my final grade for it (dropping it by a letter) i agreed and he looked at my paper for about a minute then said he couldn't read it and showed the class (im very introverted and dont like attention so it was horrible)
Last edited by Karen; Aug 21, 2018 at 08:11 AM.
Discord: Elmindreda#5289
in defense of Aeon, at least no one else is going to make the same mistake again.

hi icky
sup cunt :salute:
wait how long have you been here?
My friend puked, and i puked on my friend's puke, then a girl puked on our puke

Undead Leader - Item Forger - Left-Handed - DeviantArt - Scorpius
Top of my class
Grade 6
I was asked to read a speech infront of everyone on a stage in our graduation day
I was given a piece of paper with the speech on it and i was given 2 weeks to memorize it
I did, the day had come and i finally went up on stage. Then it hit me, i have massive stage fright and everything i memorized was gone like that, i stood there in dead silence with a mic on my hand saying nothing for a few minutes. My advisor gestured his hand as if to say “go” i had to make up a sentimental speech that had to go on for 10 minutes on the spot, some of the lines i said was in the actual speech, most of them weren’t, noone seemed to notice since i think i was the only one who knew what the speech was really supposed to be. I still can’t get it off my head how i just stood there with everyone staring at me.
mmh, its really hard to choose from my wide collection of cringe moments.
oh yeah,
i remember once getting in a fight with the school's manager (because i didn't want to go to class for no reason other than being bored), he grabbed me from my hoodie, knocked me on the ground and dragged me to class as i was screaming: LET ME GO! I WANNA GO HOME! SCHOOL IS SO BORING! AAAAAAA!

that happened in primary school and i was 8 so...meeh.
and lets not talk about me sexually harrasing everyone because i thought it was some sort of game
Last edited by Alpha; Aug 21, 2018 at 10:40 AM.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .