Weed out the elite of course.

wait? what? kick out all the elite members?...

we should add undying loyalty or a pie in the face.

and thats just plain rude!
"I'm Sander F@#$ing Cohen!"
~Sander Cohen~
No, no! I mean, our clan seems to weed out the elite members from the public, not from our clan!

Also, why is that rude?
Activity standards have been updated in light of our lack of activity. In short, forum activity needs a boost. In game activity doesn't matter.

Originally Posted by Pookie View Post
- Trial members are required to post on the forum 1x a day for the 2 weeks they are on trial. We want to get to know you.
- Members are required to post at least every other day. Communication is essential, at least try to post in wibbles or share music or selfies.
- Senior members must post at least 2x a week but you should be more involved if possible.
Ranks higher than senior member are required to post at least 1x a week, the higher ranks should try to post daily but it's not necessary.

This activity scale is necessary to keep the activity up, we can and will remove inactive members who don't want to be a part of the community.
Life happens, if you need to go inactive let us know.

yea its been quiet here lately. look up my mods every other day. i will make more in the future
evil Führer of Evil
noice c: i'd love the idea of hosting an evil hangout server with those mods, also any other new rules regarding the skype anytime soon?
I am evil.
The scale has been changed, the requirements are less demanding but you should try to adhere to them.
Starting in June I may remove very inactive members (like Narb - maybe crooked)
Last edited by Goat; May 8, 2016 at 10:31 AM.