Application to Power
Well first off I'm gonna say that I read your requirements and I'm no where near 2nd Dan but on my old account when I played in 2013 was actually a 3rd Dan but I came back to Toribash and can't remember the password to save my life or even the whole username... So I apologize for that and I hope that you guys can still give me a chance please.

A little about me

Well I am currently 16 and I am a Junior in High school. I live with my family in Texas and I've moved around a lot in my life. Although I have lived a lot of different places I can say that Texas is my home. When I'm not gaming I like to play paintball and go snowboarding. Yes if you know anything about Texas snowboarding would kind of be impossible here, that's why I go to Colorado to go snowboarding. I also run track and play football for my school and I love them both.


Like I said I use to play when I first made my account in 2013 and played some in 2014 but I have recently come back and don't know the password I used (((( but I have returned!!! I have only recently gotten back but I believe that I am fairly active in-game and if I were to be accepted into Power I would definitely post as much as possible. Also you guys can probably find me anytime in-game and hang with me )

Skills (none)

No I'm kidding I would definitely say that Aikido is the mod I play and pretty much the only then and now. I am a bit rusty so if y'all were to play with me most likely I would lose quite a bit... but I don't give up and I intend on getting better and maybe even being the best... sikeeeee


I won't lie when I played then I was only in one clan Kira and that was pretty much it for me because I am a rather picky person when it comes to clans and sadly if I'm correct Kira is dead... afffff but I would love to be a part of this wonderful clan.

What can I offer?

I would honestly only be able to offer my in-game skill and activity and I know it's not much but I would definitely try my hardest for the clan to help make it better if that's even possible... ))

Why do I want to join Power?

Good question and like I said I don't normally join a ton of clans my only history is with Kira. The reason I want to join Power is because every member I have seen play is really skilled and all seem to be pretty cool people that I would love to get to know better. I think that I would get along with you all fairly well because of my personality I am a great person to get along with ))


Yea.... about replays...


but I would love to get tested in-game or just hang out but since my last account I got a new computer so I don't have any replays.... sorryyyyyyyy (((
Hello this is my (P) application

I'm Joel or Cubiqal in game I'm 13 years old (8th Grade) and I live in New Orleans
My main hobbies include: sports and video games. In sports, I play starting PG for my basketball team and I was 2nd string WR on my (American) Football team and I'm thinking about playing soccer (football).

For video games I play a variety of genres, Action, Adventure, Fighting, you name it
I started playing TB in 2014 but got to orange belt and quit. Then 2 years later I was on YouTube and came across LesDuncan's channel who I was still subbed to, and I started playing again in August when I made this account and this has become one of my top 3 favorite games, so I am usually on everyday for in-game and forums.

My past clans are: Mystic, pX, Cursed, AOG, and Pure, and I was in each clan for at least one week.

My favorite mods include: Aikido, ABD, and Boxshu and regular mushu.

I can offer an active player and a solid player for clan wars.

Why do you want to join (P) or Power: This clan is versatile in most mods and have players I've already known and people I've gotten to know This clan is also active and just all around perfect for me.

These are my favorite replays I've collected in the past few months some are solo and some are public:
Attached Files
vs HLPMEPLZ.rpl (74.2 KB, 3 views)
Cubiqal- Lightshow.rpl (90.6 KB, 4 views)
vs Pill.rpl (77.2 KB, 3 views)
vs Shmurda.rpl (101.7 KB, 4 views)
vs warriorba.rpl (57.5 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by Cubiqal; Dec 24, 2016 at 03:56 AM.

~Auto rejected
Your belt is too low. Make sure you're at least 2nd dan before applying.
By the way, you're a new player, and 1 week in a clan isn't a lot of time, counting you were in 4 clans already...

~You were Rejected
The app was too weak, i'm sorry. You can try again in the next week.
App for Power
Hello fellow Powers. I'm here, to apply, obviously.

Get to know me
To start off, I'll introduce myself and talk about myself a little. My name is Aiden and I'm currently 19 years of age in sophomore college. I was born in Canada, Ontario Toronto and I currently still live in Toronto. I'm currently on a mixed schedule because of my second broken ankle this year which is very unfortunate because I struggle to get around in my residential area I stay at for college. The only good thing that has come out from this injury is more time to study and play toribash. Now on to some quick little things about me like my hobbies which include play toribash and other video games on ps4 like nhl, fifa, gta 5 and some call of duty. I'm also a big sports fan and I enjoy watching it as much as I do play them. Sports I play would be hockey, soccer and swimming. I use to do all of these competitively as a kid. I think that's enough about me, moving onto more toribash related things....

Forum/Ingame activity
My ingame activity was always great and is even better as I explained in the previous paragraph, because of my broken ankle which takes away activities from my schedule and allows for me to have more time on toribash. I'd currently rate it a 10/10. On the other hand, my forum activity isn't necessarily the best. I don't seem to find much things to post on forums but I'm getting much better at it and I'm looking forward to sharing more of my singleplayer replays and to gain some good feedback from as many experienced players as possible to get better.

Favorite skills/mods
My favorite and most skillful mod would have to be aikido. Not only aikido but all kinds of aikido. Such as greykido and aikidobigdojo. I'm also decent at sparring/tricking. I don't have any special skills that I know of.

Who do I know in Power?
Well, I'm actually familiar with most of the clan already, as I've warred you guys many times when I was in crooks. I've known Lurk long ago because we've been in the same clan (Ink).

Previous clans

I'll just list down all my previous clans; Kira, Mage, Ink, Pure, and Crooks that I've recently just left a few minutes ago because of inactivity. I've left all these clans because of either inactivity or because they simple just died. I can't remember what the exact reasons were for each.

What can I offer/Why do I want to join Power?
I want to join Power because of the great new start this clan has had and Kratos who's a very experienced leader that I know can lead this clan to a great future. This clan is also a very aikido skilled base clan and that's my strong point in toribash, aikido. Another big reason why I'd like to join as well is because I get a long very well with most of the members in power like Sanddune and Lurk. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all though! What can I offer to Power? I don't really like this question because I never have something specific to offer. I'll do as asked and if anything is needed, I'll give. All I know is that I'll do my best to help this clan reach the set goals and win every war.


Note: I'm currently on my laptop so these are all I got right now, but when I get back on my pc I'll be sure to send more of my better replays and some aikido replays.
Last edited by Dylan; Jan 16, 2017 at 09:18 PM.
Hi I have been looking at many toribash players around in EVERY mod.
I have something they don't have.
I believe that no matter what belt, you are great. I have proven this.
- Defeating ConCon in his own hotspot lobby twice
- Defeating Moop
I have accomplished these goals
If you want to hire me...

My info:
I live in America
I have a year of experience
I have trained and sparred with youtubers
I master in Akido,Takkeyon, Wushu,boxing
I have a feud with FC
I am a team player (I can't do it alone)
I NEED to be accepted....

You have all the time you need to choose
Thank you

~Auto Rejected
Sorry, i know that belts doesn't matter sometimes, but rules are rules.
And your app also wasn't good enough. Any questions Pm Me, don't post here.
About me

Fine, i have 16 old years, i'm just learning english, because i know this is necesseary, i like read English literature, like Gold pot and Admirable new world. I'm playing guittar on a church and i guesse i'm doing a good thing because the people like when i'm playing

Actually i'm being easily easyly stressed, because the life aren't easy to me, still more because i'm needing study a lot. i'm funny, but ik when i need be serious.
Favorite skills/mods
definitely abd and xspar, i like abd but xspar is my favorit mod, because i can do all the moves i have in my mind, and i'm a creative guy, so i need it.

Forum/Ingame activity
fine, on forum, i'm active, anything like 11/10 ;) not joking i'm all the times using the forum.

but in-game only in alternative days and endweek

What can I offer/Why do I want to join Power?

a lot of events, i have a creative mind, and i can help u guys posting all the times. help w/ tc on the bank.

I want join because i'm needing friends and i'm needing make a family and ik u guys can help me.
i was a bad guy in the past and now i'm trying change my way, and i agree with my heart, is here my place.

Previous clans

(Res), [Undead], [Infinity(Trial)], [Evil(Trial)], (Brasil(Leader)[8 months alive]), (One).

i have a nice experience in clans.

Attached Files
ry.rpl (1.03 MB, 2 views)