HOLY JESUS, how the hell did I miss this thread?

you, sir, are loved by me.

this deserves to be on 1st page again

Replay one: sweet kick! the second one could be better 7/10
Replay two: Dayum thats sexy! 8/10
Replay three: I like how you managed to dm uke in every tap. 8/10
Replay four: Wierd. That was proably the least awesome replay in this bunch. 6.5/10
Replay five: Hellz ya! Thats what im talking about! Awesome nutkick. 9/10
Replay six: *likes headkick* nicely done! 8/10
Replay seven: Thats amazing! Best one so far! 9/10
Replay eight: Awesome! the last kick really surprised me! 9/10
Replay nine: I love how you juggle him around while dming him 9/10
8.75/10 for the bunch. way to go!
Leader of ORMO||Property of [T]||A replay thread
@Yasiou: *Bows so low that forehead bashes through floor*
Thank you, both for the bump and the kind words

@eyCoco: Haha, thanks

Originally Posted by Splinter View Post
Replay four: Wierd. That was proably the least awesome replay in this bunch. 6.5/10

Apparently, my creative approach to punching didn't appeal to you :P
No matter, thanks for the more in-depth reviewing!
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol