hm thats weird, never seen anyone who could get it to work.

Does your host have super good internet or something?
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Originally Posted by wibblefox View Post
hm thats weird, never seen anyone who could get it to work.

Does your host have super good internet or something?

generally i host the games but we've had phail host, neither of us have great internet (phail lives in australia so not having great internet is a given).
Idk, that is strange to me too since there are more and more rooms with large number of players. ppl play werewolf, Secret Hitler, D&D, always in rooms of 6+ players...
Maybe it is fixed now, we haven't played in a long while because of the bug. Back then we couldn't get any table to work for anyone with more than 5. After that the lag because absurd and people begin to dc.

I imagine it's a combination of factors, and that anyone who has this problem probably stopped playing. Anyone who played now days in 6+ player rooms probably never had it in the first place or they would have given up XD
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I can't speak in numbers or anything since I really don't know, but my buddies that I gathered during the beginnings of TTS are still playing it. And I mean ppl from the time when you couldn't even host if you don't port forward.
Thing is, ability to play ANY board game for free (well, you do have to pay 20 bucks for the TTS, but still, beats paying over 100+ $ for various board games) is just too strong to let go, and if the devs have not work from patch to patch to improve TTS I'm sure they would leave the community and the game.

What I did noticed is the large number of game designers (some of them even very popular) coming into TTS to make prototypes for their games, since they noticed that they have everything a board game designer needs: short time to push the alfa-project on the table and large number of blind testers from the community and random ppl online.

TTS is becoming more and more popular which is good, but also I'm wondering, will this popularity make trouble for the game devs, since the fact that you can play all those games (almost all of them are copyrighted) without the need to pay the buck is a bit disputable.

Some game mods have been taken down due copyright claims, but many linger since large companies either don't know about TTS or they don't understand how it's impacting them (or maybe just don't care). I mean, look at the Destiny game, new FFG product with Star Wars licence, is already available as a mod in TTS, and it was just shown on this year Gen-Con! Mod came to TTs before the actual game shipped to shelves. LOL
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Sep 27, 2016 at 06:29 AM.