Originally Posted by Kyure View Post
It's pride month, so naturally, you are going to have this sort of thing in games and, of course, in real life. I think it's a good thing, as it's just a way to show people who consistently put down those in the LGBT community that their efforts are not working, and that they will continue 'marching.' Considering that those who identify as LGBT are the minority who are most likely to be targets of hate crimes, it makes sense to continually do these marches.

Ah yes, for perpetual victims there is nothing more natural than painting a target on your head and annoying people who otherwise would not have bothered you.

Stirling stuff, really what I have come to expect from special snowflakes.
Ingame i feel that it will be annoying seeing 1-100 gays or others ruining your game to talk about their rights and how they want the world to be more peaceful.
Even out-of-game i think it's disgusting seeing those people walk around looking like retards yelling and shit and ruining a perfectly good rainbow.
I personally find nothing wrong... Yeah you find it a little odd (as do I) but they aren't doing anything wrong. Leave them alone and go about your business
Screw you guys, I think this is soo cool. I mean, it is very unlikely to have any impact on anyone in the world (maybe the people doing it), but I see nothing wrong. Not the most tactical place to "march" but hey, you do you. ~Straight Guy
Someone shouldnt be spreading their pride online in general. It's one of the few things that annoys me at all. They're begging to get assraped with insults as well. (insert it's time to stop meme here.)
I agree with ddos but he didn't use enough meme

And fruitcandy I don't think being straight really matters because I doubt every single gay doesn't want to see a lgbt pride show everywhere they go
Originally Posted by DDos View Post
Someone shouldnt be spreading their pride online in general. It's one of the few things that annoys me at all. They're begging to get assraped with insults as well. (insert it's time to stop meme here.)

What, because people are assholes? That is EXACTLY why LGBT pride parades exist. Straight pride parades don't exist because everyone automatically assumes you're straight unless otherwise informed, and saying "hello i'm straight" is likely to elicit a response similar to "ok", whereas saying "hello i'm gay" can elicit a response anywhere in between "ok" and "SPAWN OF SATAN I WILL STAB YOU TO DEATH". If people thought about LGBT with the same kind of indifference as heterosexuality, there would be no need for fear or pride parades.

THAT SAID, as a bi dude (yes you read that right, big shocker etc), i don't feel the need to participate in any pride parades or tell everyone i meet about my sexuality. It just isn't relevant unless people want to get really intimate, so to me it has the same level of importance as the shape of my feet; only relevant in very specific situations.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by Shook View Post
What, because people are assholes? That is EXACTLY why LGBT pride parades exist. Straight pride parades don't exist because everyone automatically assumes you're straight unless otherwise informed, and saying "hello i'm straight" is likely to elicit a response similar to "ok", whereas saying "hello i'm gay" can elicit a response anywhere in between "ok" and "SPAWN OF SATAN I WILL STAB YOU TO DEATH". If people thought about LGBT with the same kind of indifference as heterosexuality, there would be no need for fear or pride parades.

THAT SAID, as a bi dude (yes you read that right, big shocker etc), i don't feel the need to participate in any pride parades or tell everyone i meet about my sexuality. It just isn't relevant unless people want to get really intimate, so to me it has the same level of importance as the shape of my feet; only relevant in very specific situations.

lol Shook gotta say buddy never thought about what you did in the bedroom until you volunteered the information. You aren't "straight as default" you are "no thought given" as default.

Many people with non-normative sexualities or genders have complexes about it, no one cares, and no one is assuming you are straight.
Eh. Parades are fun and all; unless you are too immature and ignorant to see it as something more than it is. In that case, you are better off keeping it to yourself and leaving.

As Shook states, believe it or not, straight is the default in today's society. When you are asking a girl/boy out, you never ask if they are gay or lesbian or all of the above. You naturally assume they are straight unless they blatantly act otherwise. It's like saying you don't see people by their sk- off topic my bad.

It makes sense that people have a hard time accepting this as we live our lives molded in a way that usually does not promote such sexuality, from our parents to our religions. People say it's not natural. Ok then. I honestly don't care about such matters because, even if it's this and not that, it is becoming prominent in our lives, and just because you decide to close your eyes does not mean it will disappear. It's here, it's happening, deal with it (or don't).

As long as I don't have men knocking on my door asking for the D, I am fine. Also, good for you Shook for being confident enough in your identity that you are willing to share such info openly. This proves that you are more mature than most.

It's not like you're forced to be someone else . . .
Alas, it is not without a tinge of fear that i state such things openly, because lord knows how many weird people will suddenly jump down my throat for it. I'm not ashamed of myself, but i don't care much for being harassed. :v

also dear god man take it easy with the formatting

Originally Posted by wibblefox View Post
lol Shook gotta say buddy never thought about what you did in the bedroom until you volunteered the information.

Hue, all i do in my bedroom is to sleep, browse the internet and draw dumb things, I WISH i could say i've actually tried things out. :v

But anyhoo, what people assume per default varies per individual. Some, such as yourself, don't assume anything, which is probably also the most respectful. I personally just use straight as a default value since it's the most common orientation, but rest assured that i mean no offense, and that i won't mind if you're actually a transgendered pansexual or whatever, it's all perfectly fine in my book (it's like how right handedness is more common than left handedness). Other jackasses assume that being straight is a given and the only right thing to be, and that LGBT folks are abominations of nature that need to be put down. It's that last group i have a problem with, because they're jackasses, and that's not just because i technically fall under LGBT myself.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol