Ésa es idea bastante buena

De todas formas,

Lecciones de Polaco son : Kurwa! Lo hiciste! okno
Debo comenzar esto xD
Originally Posted by Oknola
bye=adiós or ciao/chaw

Chaw 4 naw /o/
Last edited by Gruszex; Jun 27, 2016 at 06:48 AM.

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16
Black Fat Nigger Dildo
(C)onsola(dor) grande gordo y negro

He amigo=yo nigga/dude
Although amigo means friend you should not uae this since it sucks.
True argentinians would say boludo instead ( a mixture of dude, guy, stupid, idiot, dumb all in an amazing word!!!)

Also the word che can be used as well, being multifuntional as kurwa, itcan replace boludo and can be used to make enfasis before or after a sentence (and between 2 sentences as well)

If yoh are mlg enuf mix che and boludo in argentinians masterrace frase "che boludo"
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
Also the word che can be used as well, being multifuntional as kurwa, itcan replace boludo and can be used to make enfasis before or after a sentence (and between 2 sentences as well)

If yoh are mlg enuf mix che and boludo in argentinians masterrace frase "che boludo"

¡Elogie esta palabra! okno

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16