Originally Posted by deady View Post
^ Damn Pnut, chill the hell out. Go be a dick somewhere else please.

Yes, try to avoid triple posting man, it sucks.

The kicks were good. I lioked the first and third one best. I would give them 7/10, fluid, smxy, good show.

The second one, while sort of cool, was a tad to stiff for my liking. so I give it a 6/10

Thank you very much for your effort in watching and commenting on it. I will definetly try to improve my kicks in the future .
Originally Posted by deady View Post
^ Damn Pnut, chill the hell out. Go be a dick somewhere else please.

Yes, try to avoid triple posting man, it sucks.

The kicks were good. I lioked the first and third one best. I would give them 7/10, fluid, smxy, good show.

The second one, while sort of cool, was a tad to stiff for my liking. so I give it a 6/10

deady saved me a lotta work. His words have truth written all over it
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic
The replays are pretty good, but I noticed that you relaxed uke before the hit in the second replay and moved his neck joint before the hit in the third.

Most people just leave uke held until he gets DMed, where they let him stay relaxed.

Anyways, good kicks, maybe try to get some combos after the first DM.
Hehe, so you found out? Your damn right, i tried a couple of times without doing that but it came to no good. So at the end i made Uke help with the kick. I'm working on a madman, so i'll see how it goes.