Originally Posted by macho89 View Post
So yeah it's most likely a bounty. You gotta make new account or log on to another and place a bounty on yourself.

well or you just ask someone else.

bountys appear under your belt ingame, idk if the bountys system via. decap actually works ?
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Originally Posted by Matharu View Post
Oh Ok. I've just seen someone with a sentence under his Belt. I thought he bought a few Icons and put each word in each texture. I forgot his name, thats why I'm asking.

Do you guys know how to do that without Icons then?

That would be a bounty. Which are basically useless now, they used to be fun, but devs broke them so most people don't care anymore, since they only last for a little while. Also, I have an icon if you care as to what they look like. It shows up next to the head avatar.
My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

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Originally Posted by PlataBear View Post
That would be a bounty. Which are basically useless now, they used to be fun, but devs broke them so most people don't care anymore, since they only last for a little while. Also, I have an icon if you care as to what they look like. It shows up next to the head avatar.

I also have an Icon, but thanks. Closing this c:
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