Right now we're in /jo ultimate

Perhaps it'll be moved when we begin

EDIT: Currently waiting for Obey members to arrive.
Last edited by PieGod; Apr 17, 2015 at 11:19 PM.
This guy was once a GameMaster
Just to remind you guys, you have 3 hours and 23 minutes to finish the sudden death war or a random castle will be shot down!
If you guys don't have the time beware there is a 50/50 chance you'll go trough.
Best way to get this done in the short time is to join an IRC.
I'm done evading, GL and HF!
•[Wapow]••Flame••Error••Hattersin••Cheshyre••BetxOnxM e•
So, we talked some on skype but let's bring the discussion back here again. When can [u] finish the rest of the matches?
Since whoever wrote the event rules managed to mess it up a bit, we don't have a lot of time at all.
We should really do this asap so we don't get in trouble for some shitty reason.
PM me with any and all questions
Ultimate was eliminated from the event.

We didn't get much of an opportunity, because we were unable to reschedule after postponing the original time, however; there's nothing to do about it now.

Good luck for the rest of the event, Hattersin or any other Obey member who reads this.
This guy was once a GameMaster
:/ I'm sorry we didn't get to play more matches.
Sad that they couldn't admit to the rules being at the very least unclear, which I really think they were.
If you'd still like to finish the matches, just because, I'd totally be up for that.
PM me with any and all questions
I'd also be down. It'd certainly be much more casual than last time though, and I wouldn't stress at all about trying to set up a time.
This guy was once a GameMaster