Originally Posted by Flamesmash View Post
Its not only on your wrist and yea it helps a lot when your in a position like that. Its like your drowning and you are wearing a lead jacket but after you do it you take that jacket off and you can finally breath just soon to have the jacket put back on and dragged under.

And the people that do it for attention are terrible. You can tell when someone does it for attention though

I never understood people who do cut. Like, I know I couldn't since I'm not them and don't go through what they do. But they say it relieves pain, yet it's causing physical pain.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Idk how to explain it in any other way and again it depends on the situation. When you get severely depressed sometimes you just hurt so much that you feel empty and people do it because they want to feel something. When you hate yourself enough to hurt yourself that just kinda says for its self and their are other lots of other reasons but it also just relieves stress and emotional pain
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You cut because you have emotional pain for me, just screwed up family and mother, yes cutting is like a drug I got addicted but it doesn't really hurt it feels peaceful now I usually cut myself with my fingernails but I'm getting better I'm very empty and severely depressed but alcohol and stuff doesn't help I attempted suicide twice now I might just jump in front of a car I give up life please don't follow my life though
Last edited by Thinkless; Mar 23, 2015 at 05:26 AM.
Think you're thought
Pretty sure this thread is against the rules and OP is going to be banned for a bit, but ill bite.

Self harm is very bad obviously. I dont believe any person should resort to it for a means of stress management. I have a hard time believing any problem OP has is permanent but still, I dont know the situation. With that being said, I couldnt think of a problem where you would need to start cutting your wrists.

Seeking help is the most obvious thing to do, but be warned if you tell local authorities about your dilemma they will be forced to keep you in a facility where you cant keep forks and knives.
Originally Posted by Thinkless View Post
we just do it cause it feels good.

You are confusing self HARM with masochism.

Originally Posted by Flamesmash View Post
Self harm isnt bad.

I'm pretty sure hurting yourself is bad. Which is kind of the reason why people tell you not to do it.

Originally Posted by Flamesmash View Post

provide relief.

Though it does provide a weird natural high, a lot of times its a way to express your pain or to punish yourself for a wrong you felt you've done.
Also, if you think about it, people who get bullied and then cut themselves will probably get bullied more if the cuts are found. Kids are assholes.
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
I never understood people who do cut

^ My above statement
Also there has been a few cases where people do it for attention, or because they hear of people doing it in situations similar to theirs, and then it just becomes habit.

Yea this topic is pretty bad. You might, idk, stir up someones past or something leading them into depression and causing them to cut again? Or maybe remind someone of a loved one they lost because, you know, cutting near a large vain isn't really that safe.
Last edited by RAWWRH; Mar 23, 2015 at 06:49 AM.
Aren't you just giving them more ideas RAWWRH?

Anyway, back when i was severely depressed and thrown into anger issues (which i still tend to have) i did in fact cut, but not on a regular basis.

It's really not fun having a giant ass scar on your forearm though, so i don't recommend cutting yourself as an alternative for your depression. I will say this though: for the people currently going for depression it isn't going to stay with you forever, some people do it because of family issues and others because of their own imperfections, but your imperfections are the only thing that make you human, and the more you can push through the things holding you down and making you feel worthless then the stronger you're going to be in the future. Trust me, i got through some tough shit and now i regularly help people with their issues, and it's one of the only things that makes me feel good inside is knowing i helped another individual who needed it.
Last edited by Triton; Mar 23, 2015 at 07:14 AM.
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
i've always thought that when i'm in a depressive state, i could not be more miserable than anyone else, but then i hear about people cutting themselves and think that you'd have to be in a really tough situation to resort to something like that. no, i don't shame anyone for self harm, but there's obviously some that do it for attention, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
I once took a razor blade and cut my forehead
Out of curiosity
So much blood that day
So much
But yeah if you do it because you wanna hurt yourself go for it
It's your body
Coming from a person that suffers from a MDD disorder; I really don't want to encourage anything of this sort.

Seek professional help.

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