Alrighty then.
lame: The opener was kinda..well...basic and a bit slow but that split-boom was nice. Pose is nice

Dizzying Parallax: Awesome replay in my opinion. The opener was smooth, split was alright,and man, oh man, dat boom . Pose was interesting i must say(in a good way).

So yeah that would be my CnC. Keep in mind that i m not great at these.
ORMO|Replays n' stuff|RIP Monk
That one shot replay was really smooth and looked pleasing to the eyes. Doing weird twisty shit mesmerizes me. Decap was nice.

Can't really say much considering it was mostly faff in the beginning and a decap.

still better than my shit tho
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
lol, i love your shit tho sparchar! <3 D:

here's a splitcap that i pulled out of my ass
Attached Files
Ezo- kill joy.rpl (131.3 KB, 10 views)
replays pls cnc me
hello,alright so here's my opinion:
kill joy- it was very stylish and fluid and the pose was spot on,
Overall Great replay
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
thanks bgjames :3 <3

here's a decap that, again, i pulled outta my ass.

im probably gonna name the rest of my replays quotes from From Indian Lakes songs.
Attached Files
replays pls cnc me
Wow, I really like your stuff man! Nice precision, most of your replays have great fluidity, Good stuff man
Also known as CombatBot
the joints on the tori go round and round: still good i love the motion before punch the punch itself can be a bit more smooth i think

lameV2: ok good things first i like the boomhit and the pose the opener is maybe to long

dizzying parallax: pretty nice i love the boomhit the first dm is not good to see in normal speed i dont know do you kick or punch XD

please cnc me have upload new replays(happy new year)
Zoey is a Good Girl, Everyone says so