Wait hold up
Why would the liquid in the glass move because of thunder?
Am I missing something here?
Wait, what
If lightningkid strikes close to my manor, the vibrations in the ground would carry up through the walls, causing the liquid to move a bit. Kind of like an earthquake.
Last edited by Kyure; Aug 4, 2014 at 02:29 PM.
Originally Posted by Lightningkid View Post
I like to strike things.

Drat, I missed a place for a good joke, oh well, let's see if someone notices the edit. Shh...
Fear not all, Part 2 is coming soon!
Yes, maybe 10. I believe I lost one in the Vietnam War though.

All jokes aside, I think it's pretty public knowledge now. Wanted a clean slate, but I don't know if that works now. Good thing is, I was able to meet some pretty cool people. I hope people can see me for how I've changed, and not how I was.
Originally Posted by Kyure View Post
Yes, maybe 10. I believe I lost one in the Vietnam War though.

All jokes aside, I think it's pretty public knowledge now. Wanted a clean slate, but I don't know if that works now. Good thing is, I was able to meet some pretty cool people. I hope people can see me for how I've changed, and not how I was.

Don't worry we all do mistakes. Welcome aboard.
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