Name: hobobonater
Age: 16
GMT: -5
Quote: tomwanks is canadian screw him
Location: FL
Why do you want to join: TOMWANKS IS FROM FUCKING CANADA
Do you love america: Y/Y
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
accepted. added. <--- proud day to be american.
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

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Originally Posted by TomWanks View Post
lol what im not canadian wheres ur proof

With some research through past logins I have concluded that TomWanks indeed lives in Canada and is using a proxy to appear American. Through numerous ip checks of non-proxy addresses it was shown that he is in fact lying to you about his current citizenship. The current country code you see is merely one of a vpn or proxy.

So suck it Wanks, and accept your true nationality.
Last edited by ManlyPotato; Jun 17, 2014 at 04:49 AM.
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
Originally Posted by ManlyPotato View Post
With some research through past logins I have concluded that TomWanks indeed lives in Canada and is using a proxy to appear American. Through numerous ip checks of non-proxy addresses it was shown that he is in fact lying to you about his current citizenship. The current country code you see is merely one of a vpn or proxy.

TomWanks, receiving dishonorable discharge from the [USA] organization. While it is true, we accept people from outside the USA, we do not accept traitors or liars. You can still be american without being from the US. as long as you believe so. However, Tom you have disgraced us all, may this be fair warning to any other traitors.

If anyone wishes to make a picture of him being hanged then i will post it on the main desc post.
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

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Originally Posted by ManlyPotato View Post
With some research through past logins I have concluded that TomWanks indeed lives in Canada and is using a proxy to appear American. Through numerous ip checks of non-proxy addresses it was shown that he is in fact lying to you about his current citizenship. The current country code you see is merely one of a vpn or proxy.

So suck it Wanks, and accept your true nationality.

This Chrome app to get me American Netfix backfired on me and kinda gave me American proxy powers, and I cant really fix it. Canadian Netflix is a lot worse than American Netflix in my opinion and I dont really regret it.

Oh and new alts I make are canadian, so I dont know whats up with that. I tried fixing my Tomproxy on my own but alas it failed.
Last edited by TomWanks; Jun 17, 2014 at 04:58 AM.
Originally Posted by mwah View Post
eh, what you ghana do

2-1 gg
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

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and we lost our two forwards
suck it ghana
fuckin dweebs

usa for life death group can't hold us down
ps damn tomwanks
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Why hasn't this Thread already taken over the Forums?

USA is not spreading fast enough, make rapid progress.

...possible application soon