Tell me when you stream next time
I wanna learn (Karstnator)
Winning means dominating over countless dead bodies
Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
Great CnC!

Well how am I going to put it for you to understand? There are very few artistic mistakes, but it's so bland and boring. There is no "neat" factor, just "oh.".
This head is boring. Yes it's simple but even simple things can be less boring to look at.
Jalis: Freelancer, you're a duck | Sachi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Reanimator: Freelancer, you're a duck
satiknee: Freelancer, you're a duck | Wiggi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Tarlan: Freelancer, you're a duck
Then tell me what parts are boring, Freelancer.
Is it the choice of colour? The way the parts are placed?
The stealthy choice of design? And so on.

I really don't feel like it's a boring head so I'm curious why you think it's boring.
Help me make this head better.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Thats about as nice a comment as Ive ever seen from Freelancer, he must sorta almost like this :O

its boring compared to some of your others, you know, like bass and that other one you like.
in comparison, this one just feels like a bunch of plates and visors.
its pretty and its decent, but lacks the freshness that we assiciate you with.

its a design thing. it doesnt have that clean cut design, weathered paint or clever inlays or vinyls that made your stuff pop.
then again, you were as out of practise as any of us have been, so I find it less of a big deal.
just try to use what youve been learning at college and photography things, in your textures, your fb cover pages are always fun to look at.

Its not boring, but its not as interesting.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Freelancer and I have an interesting but good relationship, BenD ;]

But this I can work with!
I've posted that I maybe should add details and after reading yours I think I must.
Will make the head a bit asymmetric and some dust/wear, maybe even slight drawn texture.

About using photography, that's very interesting.
It will take a lot of practice but I think I will be able to actually photograph certain real life parts to use that in a head.
Like 100% authentic/original c/p.

I've planned to make more texture since I like streaming so much so hopefully I'll get a bit better in form again.

Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Can't say that I like the visor, the light-blue lines seem annoying, they kind of hurt?
The front upside down "V" shape also doesn't fit, in my opinion. It's too pointy in comparison to the rest of the rounded smooth parts, it also conflicts with the bottom part of the front. As of now it's shaped like this "VV", it would look better if it was just "V" just rounded of and centered, would make it cleaner. More like the back, if you get my point ^^

Other than that, very clean and nicely mapped, as always.
Freelancer has skills too, he has an eye for art but also a mood.
He has good points mostly but I couldn't do anything with his comment, hence my reply.

I stream sporadically, I can't tell when I do..
Could be tonight, could be tomorrow, could be in a month.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.