Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I feel like that would only happen if the couple spent every minute of free time together.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Honestly why would you just go from girl to girl? That's not going to keep you legitimately happy. I personally need to be with somebody as it keeps me happy. Relationships almost always come to an end, and it almost always sucks, but that versus never actually having somebody intimately special in your life? Easy choice for me.
Dating before adulthood is fine as long as you know how to handle yourself and your relationships when shit hits the fan. There are some people who can take some time after a breakup to recover and just move on, but there are also people who just keep going and having relationship, after relationship, after relationship. That's not healthy. That's probably gonna turn you into a fuck up come adulthood. My best friend is real emotional and keeps getting attracted to girls. He had strong feelings for this one girl but they weren't able to go through and actually have a relationship. I told him to take a break from "all this love shit" because I wanted him to just enjoy life being single and happy. The next month he found this other girl. This happened numerous times. I'm just glad that despite his being emotional, he knows how to quickly pull himself together. Just thought I'd share.... :3
a spoon.
Originally Posted by 6tate9 View Post
yeah it's a zayex thread

i think relationships (mostly referring to the classic teen dating shit) are retarded and never last, no point in stressing yourself out over someone who won't matter after high school. and also everyone complains about heartbreak and etc and it just seems so dumb, as someone with several friends with benefits i can say it's better than dating because no one gets hurt and i hate getting tied down l0l. save dating until your 30's.


hey everyone i am 14 years old and i've never experienced a relationship before! that means they must be useless!
shmevin eats smegma
Originally Posted by 6tate9 View Post
yeah it's a zayex thread

i think relationships (mostly referring to the classic teen dating shit) are retarded and never last, no point in stressing yourself out over someone who won't matter after high school. and also everyone complains about heartbreak and etc and it just seems so dumb, as someone with several friends with benefits i can say it's better than dating because no one gets hurt and i hate getting tied down l0l. save dating until your 30's.


You always succeed on making me laugh.

I've never been in a relationship but I'd say relationships beat being fuckbuddies any day. Being able to have a)Emotional value and b)Sexual activities (In the long term, this differs per relationship) seems way more godly to me than mindless sex every week. But that is just my take on it.

But yeah, some relationships last, some don't. Some hate being tied up, others love being committed to each other. There isn't a winner between the two. But eventually, (almost) everyone wants to commit him or herself to someone, and that's where relationships beat friends with benefits.
I hope I'm not talking gibberish.


Relationships are retarded?
Well, maybe in your case sure, but other people find that an emotional attachment and attraction is much more enjoyable than sport-fucking.
Sure, most of the girls you date in middle or high school are probably not going to stick around for more than 4 months or get to the whole marriage ordeal. Okay, sure it's fine that you have several friends with benefits and you don't care about dating until your 30s. It's also okay that you think you're being tied down by women, and that's your own thing.
This however, does not justify you telling people to copy your habits just 'so they don't get heartbroken' and shit. Heartbreak is a part of relationships, it's going to happen whether you like it or not. Especially at 14, 15, 16, 17 and such, the frontal lobe of the brain has not fully finished developing, and your emotional side is probably still not too good, so teen relationships are HIGHLY volatile. That's part of growing up though, you get the experience of being in a relationship, and you grow more sensitive to the other person's needs, BOTH physically and emotionally.


It's most likely a physical attraction.


Polygamy is the marriage of multiple people.
A poly relationship is a relationship that is emotionally involved with multiple people. If religion's your first moral guidebook, seriously consult a doctor.


If you feel as if that's working out for /you/, great. Others may feel differently, if you feel as if you're emotionally and mentally ready, go at it.


You're a disgusting piece of human body waste. Soulmates are a stupid and cheesy idea, sure. Some people fully believe they find the emotional partner they want for the rest of their life at 16. Really, you should treat all relationships with your full if you really do feel okay with that, but it's stupid to get emotionally attached to a-lot of people like that. That does not however justify you just going around sport-fucking and then calling 'normal' relationships stupid. Honestly, you could at-least learn that you are not committing to a polygamous or poly relationship. You feel no emotional attraction to the person, and show no signs of hoping to. Nice try at being a typical one-night-stand douche.
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If there is effort, there is always accomplishment. - Jigoro Kano
I don't really care about relationships , its just a waste of time. I rather stay single and enjoy life while I still have a chance.... I just wanna LIIIIIIIIIIVE!! :3 , YOLO.
"Joining ormo should not be seen primarily as an achievement but as an indication of what your future could be". ~Pusga
Originally Posted by youngsandm View Post
I don't really care about relationships , its just a waste of time. I rather stay single and enjoy life while I still have a chance.... I just wanna LIIIIIIIIIIVE!! :3 , YOLO.

What exactly do you know about living? youre 12. The only world you possibly know about is sims 3

Relationshits are only good when youre attractive, sadly.
Wow, this is incredibly retarded.
Zayex you're probably virgin with no friends at all, so reading anything that you type, I call bullshit.

I'd pick a relationship anyday, because sex is sex, nothing more, doesn't mean shit.
I'm more comfortable sharing my emotions etcetera with someone i completely trust and really care about.

At my current situation, I'm living together with my partner and it's more satisfying.

as said, I'd pick a relationship over a weekly/day cock anyday.
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