Volcano erupts plane crashes 40 minutes away from where I live because of smoke everybody in family ded big volcano erupt so plane fall we see plane fall out from window it go boom

No cheezits in dream makes it a nightmare

Had it today
Originally Posted by goku40 View Post
I was going to church and rap music started playing in the church and everyone was having an excorcism.I could feel my body vibrating in the dream and i woke up and couldnt move


someone please get this joke

Stupid but scary:

I was fishing on a lake and the water turned red with blood, all the fish died and floated to the surface. The lake turned to sand moving into a whirl pool with a giant mouth at the bottom.

It was much scarier than I described it. It make no sense either. lol
A while back, maybe 6 years ago, I was dreaming about giant chickens. Many, many giant chickens that would crow so fucking loud that it would annoy me. I yelled at a chicken so it got mad. It charged at me and when I turned back, I was in a forest. I tripped on a random candy cane looking thing on the ground and then the giant chicken towered down on me. It leaned its neck down and pecked at me with lightning speed scaring the pee out of me. And then, his beak...

It broke. And then I remember waking up laughing on a huge wet spot on my bed. I quickly wrote about my dream on my journal. I still laugh when I remember that morning.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
i once dreamt i was rai

never again
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
I dreamed I'm in an old Commandery. I saw wild horses foaming at the mouth, and they were imprisoned. But I could not open the lock. I went on and came to a church. On the altar was a huge statue of Mary. I floated unintentionally cross-legged toward her.
I was so scared that I woke up. I wanted to make light, but the lamp was broken. I went into the kitchen to get a drink. My roommates were awake too. Although it was in the middle of the night. I told them about my dream, but they began to laugh, and their faces turnd into ugly grimaces. I woke up for the second time. The lamp was still broken. I got up, went to the door and thought, If I still dreams!?
My feet broke away from the ground .. I screamed and woke up a third time .. the lamp broken .. I began to shake and screaming and finally ... I woke up ..
Worst dream I ever had!