How much you want for Hunter, Holo?
And will you accept worth items...
I mean i have some nice full sets... >.>
Well considering I've seen Full Hunter sell for over 100k last year and I recall someone saying Hunter items don't really change in price in market much...

I'd like some offers starting at 60k for it.
I don't want to ruin you're dreams, but the price for hunter changed radically.
I just checked it out and it's 63k from shop.
Also 27 for hunret.
Last edited by Insanity; Feb 7, 2014 at 03:35 PM.
Pm me for deals
Originally Posted by Fairfang View Post
can i get answer?

We spoke about this in-game, how about I counter your 1.5k with 1.8k? C:
Originally Posted by Hug View Post
May i offer 10k + full Gold?

I'm not sure how much Full Gold is worth..

how about Full Gold + Full Pure for it? I've seen Full Pure sell for 15k-30k..