Like you said the transition to split is a bit awkward. And i can't really blame you for the landing. Much better than the first one though. I suggest you work on a new replay.
New replay :3. Its okay, but the last part I tried and tried but I couldn't get his head off. My shin would hit his shoulder and stop me from getting there. This one I kinda prepared for the landing better.
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Cool. I do wish you could of gotten his head though. I like the way you got over to uke, though it was a bit boring to watch. 1st kick was meh, i like the transition to the 2nd kick. 2nd kick was good and powerful ( again wish was head dm). Good job preparing for the landing, except your left arm was a bit stiff. Try relaxing it and making it look like it is falling.

Keep practicing. 5/10
Last edited by Krendo_old; Jan 21, 2014 at 12:51 AM.