'' Ven '' is a boss name in other game, and I just added '' door '' on it

Apathetic User
The Kat part is because Kittens are adorable and ri0n just made it sound more awesome. You can just imagine a spartan coming from battle with torn clothes and blood on his body and then his friend comes up to him and says "Your Back....Katri0n" so epic.
Ferrero rocher
Added t so it looks like a word.
Number 3 itself it stand for the number of account
I was watching Dragonball z and i found this game so I named myself Goku40.4 is my favorite number and I'm not sure why I added a zero
This world is cold and cannot be changed.Only one man can change it and that is me!
Thank you
Zebra Ions
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Adam-totally not my name right?
2332- Birth day is 23, 32 cos we're cool and flip numbers.
i sell pocket pussies
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